Monday, February 13, 2006

Hey, Mo, you boy-slut!

People write to me sometimes and they say hey, Dag, you dawg, are you makin' up some of this stuff sometimes and I say hey, I say no way sometimes.

Why, I like I, I got this note today that I couldn't have made up so fast cause I just got it:

Dear Mohammed,

Fatima just got a box of gerbils and a new pair of stiletto heels.

Mo., you naughty boy-slut, join us again while Fatima gets naked in this small room and steps on the little furries in her panic. Ooh! Ooh!.

Swish me, Spanky, I'm feeling Muslim all over.

Your secret admirer, Dag.


Pastorius said...

Man, it sounds like Rick James woulda liked partyin' with ole' Mo.

Dag said...

I deleted myself. There are some responses I do find too much even for my own amusement. Not often, but Rick James and red shoes and the rest, it's better that I leave these things to others. Man, I-- no. But-- N0.