Saturday, November 12, 2005

Is Just War Legitimate?

Karcher-Kozy.* Nicolas Sarkozy, French Interior Minister and presidential hopeful, threatened to hose off the scum from the body politic of France, the scum being immigrant and Muslim rioters running amok in 300 cities and towns in France over the past two weeks. What good is coming of his threats?

The problem of Islamic revolt is not going away just because Sarkozy makes bold statements to the media. Many French themselves are buying the party line that it's Sarkozy's intemperate speech that caused the riots, rather than the feral culture of lumpen-jihad in France. The scum people of Islam and the Left dhimmi fascists who live in the darkness of self-willed ignorance are inflamed by Sarkozy's rhetoric, the rioters are barely resting in the wings, and the farthest Right are as inflamed as the rioters, pausing only to protect their property before they too take to the streets in conflict with the rabble. Our concern is that Sarkozy is caught in the middle of what will be a civil war, and that he will be swept aside in the fury of both extremes.

We must assess the situation at a great distance from the mind of France-as-Will, from the collective mind and attitude of the French collective. As we look upon a dhimmi people in the throes of suicide it is our task to assess our possible option as non-state actors: we must look realistically at what we can do, and what we must do, in the plain sight of the demise of a nation akin to our own nations. We must ask ourselves if France belongs specifically to a "French people." Do the French have an innate right to a geographical space we term politicallly as France?

If France, so-called, collapses in its self-will into Islam and dhimmitude, do we honor our contracts with France as it has been historically but as it is not now? If our
political and social and moral contracts with a sister nation are negated by new and hostile populations, by Muslim and dhimmis, if they are, do we sit by idly and seek new social contract with the new rulers? What is a legitimate response on the part of non-state actors?

Plainly put: if Musilm gangs take over parts of France and impose on these new-formed millets sharia, do we as non-French and non-Muslim individuals have any obligation to obey alien laws in the formerly non-Islamic state? Do we have an obligation, legal if not moral, to sit back and let the French, democratically and by general consensus, slip into dhimmitude and Islamic sharia statehood? If the French allow their nation to be Balkanized by Muslims do we as non-French and as private citizens have an obligation to let them run their own internal affairs regardless? France is France, and they can do as they please with their nation. Isn't that so? Armed intervvention into the lands and affairs of a sovereign nation is an act of war if a nation does it; and if private citizens do so without sanction of their governments, it is simply crime. The question is whether it matters what crime is in a state taken over by those whose laws we agressively reject. If sharia millets arise in France, and if the French state allows it by consensus, is it an internal affair of a democratic and legitimate nation state's government and population?

Below we have three short pieces on the state of Islam and Eurabia.

European far right seizes on French riots
11.11.05 1.00pm
By Mark John
BRUSSELS - Far-right groups across Europe are seizing on riots by the children of French immigrants as a potential vote-winner and intensifying their demands that governments halt immigration and toughen up nationality laws.

Some portray the violence as the seed of bloody ethnic civil war, or play on fears of Islamic radicalism to warn that today's petrol bomb-hurling teenager could be tomorrow's suicide bomber.

"The riots are fertile ground for the far right," Thierry Balzacq, security and immigration analyst at Brussels think-tank Centre for European Policy Studies, said of riots that have sparked copycat violence in some of France's neighbours.

"It gives them extra leverage on the waverers, those people on the verge of voting far-right. And we know that European democracies are full of that kind of voter," he added.

Governments in turn are seen tempted to enact measures seen as appealing to potential far-right voters. Critics suspect that may be behind French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy's call on Wednesday for the expulsion of foreigners caught rioting.

French anti-immigrant leader Jean-Marie Le Pen declared President Jacques Chirac's response "pitiful", telling Le Figaro newspaper he had long warned of the results of "mass immigration, the moral corruption of the country's leaders, disintegration of the country and social injustice".

The situation was evolving into something "which could be the first signs of a civil war", he said.

The solution was clear, Le Pen said: an end to immigration, tougher nationality laws and a zero-tolerance security crackdown -- possibly including the army.

Fears the violence would spread through Europe have so far proven unfounded, with only isolated cases of youths burning cars in Germany and Belgium. But far-right activists all over the continent say the lesson from France is clear enough.

Germany's anti-immigrant NPD, which last year made headlines by winning seats in an eastern state assembly, said the riots showed attempts to found a multicultural Europe had failed.

"The NPD wishes foreigners a good trip home," it said on its website, reiterating its calls for forced repatriations.

In the Netherlands, still traumatised by last year's killing of film-maker Theo van Gogh, a critic of Islam, by an Islamist militant, anti-immigration campaigner Geert Wilders called on Monday for an end to immigration by "non-Western foreigners".

Pia Kjaersgaard, leader of Denmark's anti-immigration Danish People's Party, went further, arguing this week that the French violence was tantamount to terrorism.

Far-right groups in Belgium and Austria have also stepped up calls for immigration clampdowns, and the radical wing of Russia's nationalists seized on the riots to push a "Russia for the Russians" message.

Beate Winkler of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), said it was too early to say whether the French rioting would lead to reprisal attacks on immigrants.

"Liberal democracies seem to be pushing for more security (since 9/11), making all social relations very confrontational," argued Balzacq of the Centre for European Policy Studies. "It is very dangerous."


Europe's 'disaffected youths' conspiracy

Posted: November 11, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005

For two weeks roaming bands of "youths" have rampaged across France, burning buildings and cars and daring police to intervene. At least one person was beaten to death by a mob as he tried to stop them from burning his car.

The mobs have already burned more than 6,000 cars across the country, they've burned hundreds of buildings, and more than 2,000 rioters have been arrested since the rioting broke out.

Nobody remembers the details surrounding the incident that sparked the unrest – ostensibly it was a protest over the deaths of two teenagers who were electrocuted while fleeing police. It seems a pretty thin excuse for weeks of rioting. The police didn't kill the pair – they killed themselves while trying to evade arrest. What would the alternative choice be for the government? If somebody runs, let them go?

But while it is a little unclear why the rioters are blaming the police for the accidental electrocution of the two evading arrest, it is even more unclear why the French and the mainstream media are conspiring to rehabilitate the rioters even as the smoke continues to rise over French cities.

According to the mainstream media, the rioters are "disaffected youths" who feel "alienated" from French society. The mainstream fiction is that they are rioting because of high unemployment and unfavorable social conditions.

Although that fiction is a direct slap in the face to France's self-image as a socialist paradise that offers its citizens cradle-to-grave security, Paris seems comfortable with the story.

Of course, it doesn't really explain why "disaffected youths" are also rioting in Belgium and Denmark. (In Denmark, the rioters chanted, "This land belongs to us.")

Denmark "belongs" to disaffected immigrant youths suffering from high unemployment and unsatisfactory social conditions? OK. Then why the Belgian riots? Sympathy pains?

What do all these "disaffected immigrant youths" have in common? Apart from being Muslims, that is?

Wait! The rioters are Muslims? Perhaps we've discovered a clue! Could this have somehow escaped the attention of government spokespersons and the mainstream media of the Western world?

They are Muslims? One would think that is a relevant connection, especially given that the rioters in Denmark were chanting "this land belongs to us." The "us" the chanters were referring to wasn't the "disaffected immigrant youths" who were claiming Denmark for the unemployed. They were claiming it for Islam.

Why downplay the only common denominator between the riots taking place in three different countries? The Danish rioters don't have a beef with the French. Neither do the Belgian rioters. The only thing they have in common with their French compatriots is that they are all followers of Islam.

While the West nervously looks past the rioters' Islamic identity to find an explanation that blames the victims, the Islamic government of Iran says the riots are because of European "suppression" of Islam.

"Restrictions imposed on the Islamic dress code in France are an official policy there and the government has suppressed minorities' beliefs and humiliated them openly," the hard-line Jomhuri Eslami daily said in a commentary.

Call me crazy. I agree with Iran. Not because France banned the wearing of religious symbols – the ban includes Christian and Jewish symbols as well. But I do agree with Iran that the reason for the riots is all about Islam and has little or nothing to do with "disaffected youths suffering high unemployment" and everything to do with Islam.

So, why are the Europeans (and the mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic) blaming themselves and giving Islam a pass? It's simple. If it is the government's fault, there is some hope of fixing the problem. At the minimum, it creates the illusion of empowering the people, at least temporarily.

If it is the government's fault, the people can always change governments. But if it is part of a coming Islamic war for what's been dubbed "Eurabia" – well, that is just too terrible a thought to consider.

And if Islam is moved center stage as the main culprit, it might stoke the fires of Islamic rage and bring down the wrath of Islamic terror on them now, rather than in some nebulous "later."


Some are even calling for the areas where Muslims form a majority of the population to be reorganized on the basis of the "millet" system of the Ottoman Empire: Each religious community (millet) would enjoy the right to organize its social, cultural and educational life in accordance with its religious beliefs.

In parts of France, a de facto millet system is already in place. In these areas, all women are obliged to wear the standardized Islamist "hijab" while most men grow their beards to the length prescribed by the sheiks.

The radicals have managed to chase away French shopkeepers selling alcohol and pork products, forced "places of sin," such as dancing halls, cinemas and theaters, to close down, and seized control of much of the local administration.

A reporter who spent last weekend in Clichy and its neighboring towns of Bondy, Aulnay-sous-Bois and Bobigny heard a single overarching message: The French authorities should keep out. ...

It is now clear that a good portion of France's Muslims not only refuse to assimilate into "the superior French culture," but firmly believe that Islam offers the highest forms of life to which all mankind should aspire.

*Karcher is the proprietary name for a high-pressure hose, for cleaning encrusted mud off the bottom of a car or accumulated grime off an apartment building.

Our question is who will prevail, given that even the French cannot ignore what will only become a worse situation with each passing month. Europe is edging toward civil war,, and we must ask what our places in it will be. Who will we support, given that our support will likely determine the outcome of the future of Europe, continuing on its past course of Modernity or turning to Islamic nightmares. We have a part to play in this struggle, and we must look clearly at where we stand.

The illustration above is a detail from an anarchist airforce poster from the Spanish Civil War.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Popular Public Intellectuals Poll

[O]ur biggest problem isn't Muslims but our own intelligentsia, the Camus of today, if you will.

Today Prospect Magazine posted its winners in their poll recently conducted to list the West's top public intellectual beauty contestants . Noam Chomsky is number one. No, not Robert Spencer, not Hirsi Ali, not Ali Sina, not Ibn Warraq, not VS Naipaul.

Our public intellectuals are not their public intellectuals. We have two publics in the West. I write on occasion that we will face a civil war here because of our Left dhimmi fascists siding with Right fascists, eco-fascists, and primitive fascist Muslims. But there are names on the list below that show the divisions in the collective mind of the Left dhimmi fascists too. Christopher Hitchens is number five.

The point is that some on the so-called Left are sensible enough to know that they are betrayed by the likes of Chomsky, and that the Left is two things if anything: Left fascism on the one side, and Teddy Roosevelt Progressivism on the other. Making this division clear to those self-identified Leftists is tough. Still, one may see it in the results of the poll.

Most Leftists, like most everyone, make their public ideological decisions on the basis of sociability. If an idea sounds good or satisfies ones self-image, then regardless of the history of the idea, regardless of its possible sinister implications, one takes up the idea naively and carries it as ones own, being a nice and sociable and moral person. Don't wade through that Herder, never heard of that Fichte, never picked at that Sorel. No, and they won't because those foundational philosophers are not what the average liberal 'caring- sharing' person wants to see in himself and in his attitudes. Don't dare to dig through Darre to find the roots of fascism in ecology. No, our intellectuals love bunnies, not Nazis. But, there they go, hippity-hoppiting down the slippity-sloppity slope to fascism without realizing it.

There are, as one may see in the poll below, some who don't like the direction of the path we're on. Trust me, they will not listen to the words of Herder. They will not plunge into Fichte's pools of thought to find out why they don't like what the West is becoming. They won't uncover the meaning of the Left dhimmi fascism we see so clearly under the thin cover of Sorel. Ideas gestated in the mind of Feuerbach will never see the light in the mind of the average Left dhimmi fascist. But the poll shows that there is an intuitive splitting going on in the Left, so-called.

The times, they are a'changin'. Most people believe what most people believe, and those "most people" are the public intellectuals who con the majority of "most people" who haven't got the time or the interest to inquire deeply into the matters of the foundations of public philosophy. But the public intelligentsia is divided, and it's taking on a new direction. The Left dhimmi fascists are still number one according to Left dhimmi fascists followers. But that's a'changin slowly, and in time there is a hope that most people will believe what most people believe, and "most people" will hate fascism. When the list of top ten public intellectuals among the liberal segment of the West includes six anti-fascists, then most people will believe that Left dhimmi fasicsm is bad. When Spencer et al are in the top ten, then we'll see that most people have always believed that Islam is a primitive form of fascism. I know I've always believed that. I find others who've always believed it too. They obviously have extremely short memories, but why be picky?

Dr. Pepper writes:

I don't think anyone knows clearly what the sociology of Left and Right (or more precisely, of PC and non-PC) is in the USA or the West in general.

We can't be sure how many ordinary people are PC, and how many are not PC.

If there is a "silent majority" of non-PC people, they are seriously handicapped by the fact that the general sociopolitical culture is dominated by PC -- the media, entertainment, education, legal system, politics, public discourse in general -- all dominated by PC.

The problem we face is not a conscious problem: the dominance of PC over ordinary people in our West is not a dominance of ideas thought and discussed: it is a dominance of givens passively swallowed, as unconsciously and naturally as oxygen is breathed.

Posted by: Dr. Pepper [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 10, 2005 03:01 PM

[O]ur recent poll to find the world's top public intellectual [ran] last month in conjunction with Foreign Policy magazine.

You may have already heard that the poll was won by Noam Chomsky, followed by Umberto Eco, Richard Dawkins, Václav Havel and Christopher Hitchens.
As well as the complete results of the poll, the Prospect website features a range of articles on the results, including Robin Blackburn celebrating Chomsky's victory, Oliver Kamm denouncing it, brief biographies of the top five and David Herman's commentary on the results.

More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
Woody Allen
When the collective attitude shifts, when the public's eyes open upon new memes, then we'll find that everyone agrees that before was a time of very unappealing minds, and what did our parents' generation see in those people? Why, they're not pretty at all. Not like us. We are very pretty.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Not all French Bitches are TV Babes: Some are Politicians

Don't worry, Folks, It's Only Television

Cut my head off if I'm wrong here, but doesn't it seem that the "youths' in France act like children out of control? Oh, they are children out of control. Well, I meant 10 year olds. Oh, some of them are ten. Well, cut off my head anyway.

Yes, cut off my head so I don't have to see the French acting like impotent grandparents incapable of controlling children running amok.

Oh, we don't cut off each other's heads for no good reason. Well, then what is to be done?

Community looks for answers in riot-torn suburb

Published: November 10 2005 18:34 | Last updated: November 10 2005 18:34

Traumatised families streamed to the town hall on Wednesday evening for an "extraordinary" meeting called by the mayor of Rosny-sous-Bois, a town of 40,000 people scarred by the rioting that has swept through France. Policemen stood watch outside the hall; two women handed out stickers, including one that said "Stop the Violence."

He moved on to defend his record, citing the investments in housing rehabilitation, job creation, and a youth centre, and saying the city would do more.

But not all the audience was convinced. "There are social issues, lack of housing and jobs, and there are issues of discrimination. The mayor usually recognises that," said El-Hassan Guerrab, head of the Muslim Association of Rosny, a cultural group that has been sending members to reason with the bands of youth.

Sitting in the audience, with his two teenage daughters, Mr Guerrab, a tall Moroccan man with a thin beard, pointed out that the mayor had thanked many associations for helping out during this crisis, yet omitted the MAR. "That, in itself, is a form of discrimination," he quipped.

[Waiting to meet with "youths."]

Sure enough, an hour or so later, a group of young, mostly black men, appeared. They were, for the most part, dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and black rain jackets with large hoods. Happy to speak to reporters – and wanting above all to appear before cameras – they seemed obsessed with Nicolas Sarkozy, the interior minister who called the gangs "scum" and on Wednesday threatened to expel foreigners involved in the violence.

"He has to resign, he has to resign, that's our demand," they shouted.

Lamine, a 19-year-old school dropout who sometimes works as a pizza delivery boy, is the apparent leader. His family – his father married four times and has a total of 30 children – came from Senegal in 1980. The parking lot, he says, has become his refuge. "We're here, it's our territory, we watch," he said.

He admitted that he had been thrown out of school because of bad behaviour yet he insisted he should be offered better job opportunities. "I look for jobs but I'm discriminated against, someone with a French name is always favoured," he said.

Some of the youth expressed real grievances of largely Muslim immigrant communities in France. Others, however, were cheeky, speaking of the riots as a game that, much to their own surprise, had worked, provoking a political crisis.

"We tried to express ourselves differently but the only way to get attention and to get the cameras here is through rioting," said 20-year-old Karim, a French-born man of Algerian origin.

The real enemy of these young men, aged between 15 and 21, was government authority. "You burn state property because you want to make the government pay. But the government also has to compensate citizens if private property is destroyed," added Karim.

French insurers yesterday estimated the riots had caused €200m of damage.

Thanks to a heavier police presence in Rosny, and the threat that a curfew could be imposed, the riots have subsided in recent days. The youth said they could still be arrested but claimed not to be afraid of the police.

"If a curfew is imposed, they will detain us and we'll get angrier. They'll force us to go home but that's like going to prison," said one member of Lamine's group, who refused to give his name.

Suddenly, the young men heard that Mr Pernès, the mayor, was touring the town. They rushed out of the parking lot to speak to him. Some of them tried to be polite but asked, in a forceful tone, how he planned to respond to their demands.

Others were impertinent. "I won't speak with you," one of the younger kids told the mayor. Why, asked Mr Pernès. "I just don't like you, I just don't like the way you look," was the answer.

Another young man used the occasion to mock Mr Sarkozy. "Have you ever met Sarkozy," he asked the mayor. "Is he a really small man?"

With Mr Guerrab and his colleagues standing near him, the mayor tried to control his exasperation. He said he wanted to establish a dialogue with the youth – and might even invite television crews to film a discussion – but that silly remarks like these made his efforts harder.

He answered the more serious questions, acknowledging, for example, that it was a challenge for blacks from the poor suburbs to find jobs. But his overall message to the band was that the riots would make employers even more reluctant to hire young people like them. "If it is already difficult to find jobs, it's going to be even more difficult now," he said.

Les Enfants du Parody

We have here a look at the sludge from the bottom of the gene pool. Dear Reader, please, consider your health if you dare to read this following story of another of the stupidest women on Earth. Below we will see the mind of the dhimmi at work, or, as is more likely, not at work but idling, as it has throughout its life. This goes beyond mere peasant stupidity and into the realm of evil and sickening French stupidity.

The woman in the story below is so stupid that it must be deliberate. One might wish this creature ill, but the reality is she was probably still-born and her mother didn't bother burying her with the drowned cats and the poisoned mice and the swept-up dust littered with bed-bugs and fleas.

But this dhimmi slug is an example of the types one finds at the link below as we see at These are creatures so stupid that they will never have clear ideas about anything, moving through life in a haze of feelings, intuitions, prejudices, and resentments uninformed by anything resembling critical and enlightened Human thought. This creature below is likely indicative of the majority of people on Earth; and that is not the end of history, not the way of the world and its people, the high-point of Humanity, as one would fear, but the result of the kind of brain-death one finds in the fascistic world of Islam, a world of peasant subsistence farming, of mental slavery to the ruling obscurantism, whether it be Islam or Communism or Nazism. This p.o.s. woman below is so stupid that nothing will break through the clay that is her mind. The only real solution is to, not as the French elites would have it, as the fascists would have it, to rule this farm animal being from birth to death because she's too stupid to live independently; the course of correct action is to let this creature die a natural death, forget it ever lived at all, and raise children to be supreme in the world of freedom of the mind. That is the choice we face today.

Shall we stupefy the infantalized Human race through Islam and Left dhimmi fascism? Or shall we rise up and continue our revolutions of Modernity? This disgusting beast below is the result of the Left's programme, this evil and repugnant beast who lost her husband to thugs, and who is too fucking stupid to understand even the simple fact that her husband is dead because rioting thugs beat him. If she can't figure it out at this point then we must realize there is no hope of these idiots acting in their own defense. What is to be done, friend?

Widow Blames Sarkozy for Violence

By James Button in Paris
November 9, 2005

Speaking in her apartment in the northern Paris suburb of Stains, Nicole Le Chenadec was calm and clear: Her husband had died after lying in a coma for four days and France's Interior Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, was to blame.

"He lit the fuse with his provocative remarks," Mrs Le Chenadec told reporters."It is because of him that Jean-Jacques is dead."

After 12 days of rioting on the fringes of Paris and other cities, it is still unclear how the French at large are responding, who they blame, and how the violence will change French politics.

Mrs Le Chenadec is only one person but London-based political scientist Jean-Jacques Reland, who spent the past three or four days in France, said he thought she was not alone in blaming the Government.

"While a large minority say bring in the army, most people think these people [the rioters] are the results of our mistakes," he said. "This problem highlights the failure of integration policy in France."

The death of Mr Le Chenadec, 61 - the first in the violence that has spread across France since October 27 - shocked his suburb, just two train stops north of the centre of Paris.

On Thursday night, several days after Mr Sarkozy's described rioters as racaille, or scum, Mr Le Chenadec went downstairs with his friend Jean-Pierre Moreau to put out a fire that had been lit in some bins by youths.

Mr Moreau has been a social worker in the neighbourhood for decades and felt confident he could talk to the hooded young men gathered on the street.

But when he approached them one punched him in the neck, then hit Mr Le Chenadec in the face, knocking him to the ground. The former Renault worker cracked his skull and fell into a coma.

A woman of Algerian background standing in the crowd with her teenage daughter said the young rioters had no respect and it was time to call in the army.

Public opinion and Islam

We just looked for the first time at, the most idiotic site on the Internet, judging by the comments regarding the riots in France these days. This is what the world is up against. Unbelievable. Roughly 850 comments to this thread, and the vast majority condemn the idea that Islam is a poligion, arguing rather the moron dhimmi lines of poverty and racism as the cause of the friction between Islam and the whole of the world.

Islam religion of peace...

Tete a tete: Fwench Laugh Riot

One would wonder why the Fwench watch television at all if one went by the story below. However, we picked up on a blog from Aetherland that sets it all in perspective. Compare and decide for yourself.

Our first, the real story, sort of, comes from The Guardian:

Riot coverage 'excessive', says French TV boss

Claire Cozens in Amsterdam
Thursday November 10, 2005

One of France's leading TV news executives has admitted censoring his coverage of the riots in the country for fear of encouraging support for far-right politicians.

Jean-Claude Dassier, the director general of the rolling news service TCI, said the prominence given to the rioters on international news networks had been "excessive" and could even be fanning the flames of the violence.

Mr Dassier said his own channel, which is owned by the private broadcaster TF1, recently decided not to show footage of burning cars.

"Politics in France is heading to the right and I don't want rightwing politicians back in second, or even first place because we showed burning cars on television," Mr Dassier told an audience of broadcasters at the News Xchange conference in Amsterdam today.

"Having satellites trained on towns across France 24 hours a day showing the violence would have been wrong and totally disproportionate ... Journalism is not simply a matter of switching on the cameras and letting them roll. You have to think about what you're broadcasting," he said.

Mr Dassier denied he was guilty of "complicity" with the French authorities, which this week invoked an extraordinary state-of-emergency law passed during the country's war with Algeria 50 years ago.

But he admitted his decision was partly motivated by a desire to avoid encouraging the resurgence of extreme rightwing views in France.

French broadcasters have faced criticism for their lack of coverage of the country's worst civil unrest in decades. Public television station France 3 has stopped broadcasting the numbers of torched cars while other TV stations are considering following suit.

"Do we send teams of journalists because cars are burning, or are the cars burning because we sent teams of journalists?" asked Patrick Lecocq, editor-in-chief of France 2.

Rival news organisations today questioned the French broadcasters' decision to temper coverage of the riots.

John Ryley, the executive editor of Sky News, said his channel would have handled a similar story in Britain very differently.

"We would have been all over it like a cheap suit. We would have monstered the story, and I didn't get the impression that happened in France," he said.,14173,1639538,00.html ***

For some commentary on this, follow this link to Little Green Footballs:


Here we found more commentary that really woke us up to points of interest we would have otherwise missed:
Love the Net!, thanks to Borg [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 10, 2005 02:24 PM.

"Rioters are Muslims, but don't say it."

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

AFP Photos Show it All

Thanks to Carolyn2 at jihadwatch.

We Must Be Lucinda

The following story comes at a great remove from the heat of Paris. Those of us not situated in the City of Lights can only watch and wonder who'll have the last laugh. Le Pen is probably enjoying the view, laughing up his sleeve. The following is excerpted from a newspaper from Canada.

"We must be lucid: The Republic is at a moment of truth," Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said.

"A return to order is the absolute priority."

Mr. de Villepin told parliament that economic stagnation in the ghettos will be addressed with the equivalent of $140-million in subsidies for local associations, 25,000 new government-funded jobs and 15 economic zones with lower taxes.

He also promised to set up an anti-discrimination agency, saying it is necessary for the country to reconsider the way it has dealt with minorities.

"All French people want to return to normality and safety," Mr. de Villepin said.

By early evening, French police said the crackdown was showing signs of success.

Cars burned and gangs threw firebombs at police in Toulouse, but overall the unrest seemed diminished as only 66 people had been arrested as of 11 p.m.

Some of the suspects were as young as 12.

"All French people want to return to normality and safety," Mr. de Villepin said...the equivalent of $140-million in subsidies for local associations, 25,000 new government-funded jobs and 15 economic zones with lower taxes.

The rioters have set fire to businesses, police stations and schools; fired weapons at police; and torched at least 6,000 cars.

We must be lucid.

Watching in horror, European editorialists and politicians warned that the spreading violence was not a problem only for France.

Overall the unrest seemed diminished.

Italian opposition leader Romano Prodi said earlier that an explosion in Italian suburbs is inevitable. "We have the worst suburbs in Europe," he said.

Faced with widespread lawlessness, some people in France have started defending their property. In Seine-Saint-Denis, a suburb of Paris rocked by several nights of unrest, a community group has started patrolling local properties armed with pepper spray and heavy flashlights.

There's little sympathy in these neighbourhoods for the rioters. One 19-year-old was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Monday for throwing a Molotov cocktail at police. His story merited only a few sentences in local newspapers.

Subsidies; new government-funded jobs; an anti-discrimination agency. We must be lucid.

The main opposition to the measures has come from the left wing of the political spectrum in France. The leftist newspaper Libération said the curfews show that "the reign of Chirac is a tragic farce."

We must be lucid. Some of the suspects were as young as 12.

It's our position here that unless emergency measures come into play within the course of the winter there will be "youths" wild in the streets. If nothing reasonable is done, then it'll be too late for France to repel the likes of Le Pen. "Nothing is done," of course, is office jargon for "no one takes responsibility." Object, verb, (subject.) A passive construction.

We, not being passive or pacifists, urge that the men and women who are able take direct action to ensure that the "youths" do not have a pleasant winter during which they brag about their exploits burning and looting and shooting at the police. We urge that those who can take a message to the "youths" directly, the message being "NO!" Not a moment's rest for them, not a wink of unguarded sleep, not a ride on the train, not a walk in the park.

We urge that the French steal Le Pen's thunder. We must be-- not Lucinda-- we must be lucid. El Cid. Livid!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Boas and Identity Politics (1)

Social science is the fountainhead of today's wisdom in the West. The springs of social science, as we've seen in many earlier posts, arise directly from 18th century counter-Enlightenment proto-fascism. We'll return to those springs during the life of this blog, but today we wish to look at a later development, at early 20th century anthropology and sociology. We feel that there we might gainfully seek the most obvious signs of why we in the West hate our own lives to the point that we literally dress up like savages and cheer the murder of our own by Islam-frenzied religious fanatics.

We will move here from our gazing at the lights of Paris, the fires in the night, the spectacle of Muslim pieties, and the dead man-- beaten for attempting to quell the Islamic fire; some of the following texts in this series on Left dhimmi fascism might well be difficult to read due to the style the authors prefer, the pretentious style of Adorno and the post-modernist poseurs who have almost nothing to say and who say it in Latinate garble. We must, though, wade through the syntactic muck to discover what it is that we, as a general intellectual culture, take as our own ideas and opinions. Frankly, with a bit of clear light shining on the ideological premises from the Left dhimmi fascists we will find ourselves embarrassed and disgusted by our assumptions of 'the way it is.' Our ideas, floating in the aether, as it were, actually come from concrete sources, and we'll examine some of them here, beginning now with Franz Boas.

When we write on "philobarbarism" we mean the love of barbarians. We've written before that barbarians cannot love themselves as barbarians because the critical distance to know oneself as a barbarian is impossible; only one above the stage of barbarism can love barbarism; therefore, we might look at the affectation of philobarbarism by analogy: the effeminate and flaccid homosexual who fawns over the leather-clad biker. It is that that the philobarbarist intellectual is in comparison to the Muslim. One significant difference between homosexuals and the philobarbarists and Muslims is that the former are few, more or less private in their activities, and that they are not bent on world domination and murder of the mass of Humanity. Drape an Arab headscarf around the Harris Tweed-covered shoulders of a Left fascist dhimmi and watch him swoon over the macho "freedom fighter."

The style of the times, the attitudes we hold to without thinking them through, without knowing their origins and histories, the common beliefs we have, they come in large part from listening to others say "this and that" and "the poor" and the "freedom fighters" and so on. Who has the time or the inclination to devle into the texts to discover the nature of our public ideas? No, we rely on our media, on our politicians, on our public intellectuals, and on our fellow men and women to tell us what is the nature of the common good. We live in trust. Yes, we are betrayed, and evily so, but we cannot easily shake the idea that most people, most of whom are our friends and relatives and community members are totally wrong in their expressions of questions concerning our public social lives. The war? The economy? The state of things? We get most of our ideas from others, not from any close examination of the texts that inform them. And rightly so. We don't want the chaos of every man for himself. We long to get along. But we are badly betrayed. We cannot continue down this path to complete ruination without stopping to examine our postions and finding out where we've taken a wrong turn. We're being screwed by our intellectual guides who follow their own fancies, and to hell with us. Well, it's time to part company with them and find new leaders, men such as Robert Spencer, for example.

Most people have no clue about the realities of the physical sciences, and those who do have only a layman's understanding of them. Who, outside a small group of professionals, has the time or talent to grasp the intricacies of science? And because we live in a milieu of science, of a culture that prizes science above nearly all else intellectual, we satisfy ourselves with pseudo science, with the arcana of anthropology, for example, as digestible and knowable. We, being intellectuals, can mouth strange incantations and speak deep mysteries akin to science, and we can at the least make moralistic noises that seem to sound brilliant. We can impress ourselves and each other with fancy terms and phrases, and we can also speak truths philosophical. Yes, all of that, and we never have to open a book. We merely have to listen to what smart people say, and then we say what they said, only we say it better than they. Or so we hope.

Forget that hard stuff of hard science. We have social science.

Edward O. Wilson writes:

[S]ocial scientists as a whole have paid little attention to the foundations of human nature, and they have had almost no interest in its deep origins.

The social sciences are hampered in this last regard by the residue of strong historical precedent. Ignorance of the natural sciences by design was a strategy fashioned by the founders, notably Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Franz Boas, and Sigmund Freud, and their immediate followers. They aimed to isolate their nascent disciplines from the foundational sciences of biology and psychology, which at their inception of the social sciences were in any case too primitive to be of clear relevance. This stance was fruitful at first. It allowed scholars to search widely for patterns in cultural and social organization unencumbered by the patronage of the natural sciences, and to compose such laws of social action as the prima facia evidence demanded. But once the pioneering era ended, the theorists were mistaken not to include biology and psychology. It was no longer a virtue to avoid the roots of human nature. (Edward O.Wilson, Consilience. Toronto: Alfred A Knopf; 1998, p. 184.)

In a flourish of German irony, we won't bother quoting directly from Boas here. Let's call it laziness. (It ain't our fault, man.) What we will do is look a little more at Wilson, and then over the course of the next few days we'll look at an anthropologist's essay on "identity."

It's our thesis that the Left is no longer identifiable as a political movement in its classical sense but that it is a degeneration into fascism and philobarbarism. Here we look further at how that came about. We see that the early social scientists were reacting against Social Darwinism, the concocted idea that some cultures are so much better than others that those who aren't strong enough must by biological necessity die out and be taken over by those better. Well, so far so good; but the problem is the death of people who, through no fault whatsoever, die in the race to supremacy, a race they do not sensibly have anything to do with. The race is considered to be started and run and won by capital. The result is the destruction of cultures and people, those who have lived from time beginning till the advent of capitalism, in a state of pristine Nature. According to the social scientists, the rise of capital is evil in that it wipes out the innocent for the sake of machines and exploiters, and no good comes of it regardless of the product. The result of the race of capital is one of racism and genocide. Who wins? Only the privileged and the rich-- at the expense of the world at large. This is, on the face of it, hard to argue with. From this position comes the moral stance so many philobarbarists strike when they condemn capital. No right-thinking person wants to strip forests and plunder the Earth for the sake of idiots in Manhattan. No one wants to support factory owners at the expense of peasant families who've lived on the same farm for thousands of years. However, rather than look at the nature of Humanity to see the reality of the life of Man, the social scientists within our view here relied rather on ideologies and Romance philosophy from Germany in the late 18th century to inform their positions and theses.

The theorists were inhibited from probing in that direction [of analysing human nature] by another problem endemic to the social sciences: political ideology.... With caution swept aside by moral zeal, they turned opposition into the new ideology of cultural relativism. (Wilson: p. 184.)

One must realize the origins of this movement before one condemns it outright. Anthropologists were discovering for the first time people in primitive cultures in far-flung places, and those people were utterly defenseless against Modernity. They were faced with extermination. Social Darwinism allowed for it philosophically on the grounds that the barbarians were unfit in the biological world of the survival of the fittest. To the fore came a class of [mostly, and mostly unmarried and childless,] educated women in history, who had made for themselves a profession unknown before in history: social work. These professional social workers and anthropologists, Margaret Mead, for example, became the high-lights of philobarbarist cultural relativism. Their intentions, like those of so many of those who today consider themselves Leftist, were lofty. So lofty in fact that they never touched the solid Earth.

Believing it a virtue that all cultures are equal but in different ways, Boas [et al,] ... lent strength in the United States and other Western democracies to political multiculturalism. Also known as identity politics, it holds that ethnics, women, and homosexuals possess subcultures deserving of equal standing with those of the "majority," even if the doctrine demotes the idea of a unifying national culture. (pp 184-85.)

When we continue here we'll look at the devolution of rights to identity politics and interest. We will see the end in the Left of the 'Universality of Man' as first enacted in the American Revolution and in the French Revolution. The point is that when the social scientists rushed out to protect the rights of barbarians, they gave a place of privilege to the whole, to the family, to the clan, to the tribe. What they lost was the rights of the individual, a concept they could not accommodate within the scope of ideology of the collective of the Natural Man. the philobarbarist was not interested in the person but in the romance of the culture. They were interested only in the ideology of identity. When we return next we'll look at an essay that shows this line of reasoning, clearly perhaps, but also in a style that some might find tedious and obnoxious. We'll do our best here to make it presentable to our readers.

New French Minister of Islamic Affairs

Sacher-Masoch, Leopold Ritter von (auch: Charlotte Arand, Zoe von Rodenbach), * 27. 1. 1836 Lemberg (LwĂ­w, Ukraine), † 9. 3. 1895 Lindheim bei Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland), Erzähler, Dramatiker, Feuilletonist, Essayist; Onkel von Artur Wolfgang von Sacher-Masoch.

For further details on the new French minister of Muslim affairs click below:

France on Tuesday declared a state of emergency in riot-hit parts of the country in order to combat an outbreak of urban unrest and moved to facilitate access to the job market and stamp out racial discrimination.

A leading Muslim cleric based in Qatar has called on Muslim communities in France to be "calm and reasonable," while Turkey urged immigrant communities in Europe to stay away from the riots.

Meeting in crisis session under the chairmanship of President Jacques Chirac, the Cabinet invoked a 50-year-old law originally drawn up at the start of the Algerian war which permits the declaration of curfews, house searches and a ban on public meetings. The measure was to come into effect at midnight after the government issued a decree setting out the geographical limits for the state of emergency.

The left-leaning Le Monde newspaper said that "exhuming a 1955 law sends to the youth of the suburbs a message of astonishing brutality : that after 50 years France intends to treat them exactly as it did their grandparents."

It was the toughest response to date to nearly two weeks of rioting in the country's high-immigration suburbs which has left more than 6,000 cars burned, public and private property destroyed, tens of policemen injured and one civilian death . More than [!?]1,500 people have been detained.

Acknowledging the accumulation of social and economic handicaps in the Arab community, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin acknowledged that jobseekers with foreign-sounding names were not always given equal consideration with applicants with traditional French-sounding names when they presented their resumes.

He announced the creation of an anti-discrimination agency, the allocation of 20,000 state-paid jobs for inhabitants of poor suburbs, an extra 100 million euros ($120 million) for associations working there, and the creation of 15 new special economic zones with tax-breaks for employers.

In Qatar, leading cleric Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi insisted that France was a friend and called on Muslim communities in the country ripped by urban violence to be "calm and reasonable."

Qaradawi, who hosts a popular show on Al-Jazeera, also called on French authorities to go beyond restoring security and start dialogue with Muslim community leaders .

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a similar pledge to Turkish communities in Europe saying: "Those who claim to be the victims of discrimination and injustice cannot acquire their rights by violence, by attacking innocent people and their property."

"I call on our 4.5 million Turkish compatriots [in Europe] to act with common sense and caution," he said.

While condemning the spread of violence, the Arab media has mainly blamed riots on longstanding social malaise, unemployment and alienation.

In Lebanon, the An-Nahar newspaper said: "What is happening in France today shows the flagrant failure of the integration of immigrants.

"While it may be normal to give priority to security [concerns], the remedy to this situation cannot be limited to just that ... as the causes of this absence of integration should be tackled," it said.

Qatar's Asharq newspaper said: "There may have been wrongful reactions by the immigrants ... in attempting to obtain some of their rights, but the problem is [based] on l ong-standing cultural and human" disparities.

An editorial by the U.A.E.'s Khaleej Times said: "Immigrants may have a grievance or two, but should they go to this length and disrupt life this way? France has all along helped the millions of immigrants to live their lives with dignity ... for a mistake or two, no one must punish a country like this." - Agencies

Monday, November 07, 2005

Day of the Nuit

Look at what happens in a nation that is not Islam-friendly. A vote comes due, and the politicians fall over themselves to plunge into the Islamic pool. We see the emergence of foul-smelling rats. We see our politicians turning the voters into jackals.

Where do the people turn when the electable leaders, not the fringe candidates on the extremes of politics but the ordinary men and women of the nation, stink to high heaven? What is the average voter to think when his own representative goes against him in search of election? What is the average person to think when leaders of a nation consort with the enemy to win a democratic race that results in betrayal of democracy itself?

France is burning this evening. So too is Germany. Denmark. Belgium. And what can we expect from them, the leaders of nations in the thick of Islamic violence, when the time comes for them to court votes? We will write nothing further on this for today other than to leave at the end of this post a link to a long and boring minimanual we hope people will read for its historical interest. The minimanual is meant not as a physical blueprint for action but as a manual for psychological preparation for this struggle ahead, one that is explicitly organizational. As we have written many times and consistently, the Muslim is a police matter; but Islam is a matter for us all. Yes, we urge our readers to act as extra-parliamentary oppositionists, and that has in the past meant groups we cannot abide, but that is where we must pick up from our politicians and make of our experiences what we will.

Anti-Turkish Austria courts local Turkish vote

Monday, Oct 24, 2005,Page 6

Most Austrians -- and most of the country's major political parties -- vehemently oppose Turkey's bid to join the EU. But it's election time in Vienna, and suddenly those same parties are courting the local Turkish vote.

So how do you meld the conflicting interests of appealing to the mainstream Turkophobe Austrian electorate while catering to voters of Turkish origin whose ballot will make a difference in yesterday's capital's election?

"It's tough occasionally," conceded Nurten Yilmaz, an Austrian of Turkish origin, as she took a break from handing out red balloons and folders urging voters -- Turkish and otherwise -- to vote for her Social Democratic Party.

Only one of the five parties running for City Hall -- the xenophobic Freedom Party -- is not fielding a Turkish candidate. Instead, it appeals to the rabidly anti-Turkish fringe vote with posters declaring "Liberated Women instead of the Mandatory Headscarf," and "German instead of `Don't Understand.'"

But with most of Austria's 200,000-strong Turkish community living in Vienna, a city of about 1.5 million people, the other parties cannot ignore their vote.

Many Turks here are skeptical of their sudden popularity -- and with reason.

"I've been here for 20 years but I'm still not fully accepted," Mehmet Akar said in strongly accented German as he stopped at Yilmaz's stand in Vienna's 16th District, where kebab stores are next to shops offering more traditional Austrian goods.

Recent EU surveys show only one in 10 Austrians backs the idea of Turkey joining the bloc. Austria tends to have little political clout in the EU. Yet it took days of intense pressure from the bloc's 24 other member states for Vienna to abandon its attempt earlier this month to scuttle talks with Turkey on future full membership.

In Austria, there is no such clear divide on the Turkish question. But the People's Party -- the governing party nationally -- seems to be fighting an uphill battle because of its vehement opposition to Turkish EU membership.

Turkish candidate Sirvan Ekici repeatedly canceled appointments with a reporter wanting to accompany her during campaigning. Even the rightist BZOE has fielded a candidate of Turkish origin, despite past opposition to immigrants by its leading figures, including populist firebrand Joerg Haider.

Even the rightist BZOE has fielded a candidate of Turkish origin.

Our natural good humor leaves us at times, and we are left scowling. What are these people thinking? Worse, what are we thinking? We're thinking that the French will appease the Muslim rioters now, and that when the next election comes due they will sell out to the Muslims for a sou. We are left looking in absolute disgust and bewilderment. Our political leaders have exchanged day for night, and they expect us to nod and smile. This cannot continue without a revolt of the people.