The first thing that came to mind is a line from Anna Akhmatova, one of my favorite poets. I found my last reference to her by doing a google search, as below.
My question is often to ask at what point is government illegitimate. We cannot rightly go around overthrowing governments just because we don't like the folks elected. It's not my business who people elect to represent them. They can vote for Hitler for all it matters to me. But what happens when the people vote for a number of little Hitlers, and the Hitlers take power? What if they take power and use it to destroy the lives and property of the citizens, those who did or didn't vote for the Hitlers? If the people speak and vote for Hitlers, what do we do? Should we leave the nation to the Hitlers to do with as they please? It's the will of the people, and who am I to say this or that about their free choices? If people in Michigan wish to vote for a Muslim fascist, what is that to me? If they wish to vote for another in iraq, what's my concern in it? Who am I to tell the majority they can't vote for crazed fascists?
People in Russia loved Stalin. To this day he is much loved by many there. If it's not my business to interfere in whoever Russians vote for there today, then what business is it of mine to care about the vote in Michigan yesterday? If the majority of Americans decide in their infinite wisdom to vote for a majority of Left dhimmi fascists who promote Islam and who destroy the Constitiution, then it's the will of the American people, and not about me at all.
I'm big on obeying the law-- for the most part. Unless it interferes with my life in some concrete and obnoxious fashion. But let's forget about that and look only at my positon as a law-abiding guy who values law in itself. Our law is based on tradition and reason. If we decide to base our laws on whim and revelation and Islamic jurisprudence, then such is the will of the people, and it must be for the minority to accept dhimmitude and death. Well, since that's not realistic, at what point do we rebel? Our Constitution is open to ammendment, and rightly so; it is amended often and ignored even by activist judges. At what point do we say the Constitution is so vitiated that it is not our las anymore, and we are not bound by revisionist interpretations to the point we are rightly impelled to rebellion and the overthrow of the state? We've got a big mess in a number of states now, some folks so evil and corrupt that they should be imprisoned in Cuba wiothout any swift trial. Oh well.
In the comment below I respond to someone who complains about my imperialist sympathies and my calls for filibustering in the greater world because I don't give a damn about the sensitivities of savages. My postion is fairly clear: that those who do not obey the Rational and codified common law of basic Human decency, then they are illegitimate laws and illegitimate nations. Sudan? Iraq? Mexico? Overthrow their evil governments and rule their lands and people by force of arms and men, intermarry and colonise and make the whole of the world one big America of the mind. But what do we do about Michigan?
War on terror? Hey, even for the right-wing religious bigot that am I have a sense of humor. Here's one I truly like, and because it's not so right-wing, please excuse the source:
"A revolution without firing squads is meaningless." V.I. Lenin.
Don't think highly of William Walker? Well, since I don't travel with a library on my back trust me that Eduord Bernstein remarks somewhere that continued settlement is contingent upon the natives behaving like civilized people. Yes, that Bernstein would be Engels' writing partner after Marx died.
But today my favorite thought on Iraq and our dealings with the jihadis comes from a comment from Anna Akhmatova, who wrote that once Stalin got upset over something, (and who really cares what,) and she noted that "The vegetarian years were over, and the meat-eating years began."
Stalin for Secretary of State.
Red, Black, White, Green. I can't see the difference.
Can you see the difference?
I'm hungry. I also appreciate Robert's intellectual approach to this problem. What do we get if we become like them? As a right-wing religious bigot, let me mention that Tatian compares the Romans to the Christians by writing that the Romans produce men who kill each other for fun, what he describes as the "cannibal banquet of the soul." When I look at shredded people I see that they look too much like pork. It increases my appetite for Spencer's reasonableness.
Let's try to get smart and rid ourselves first of our governments in our local elections. Educate some voters. Let's get some Spencers into office so we can win this war on jihadist terror properly. Then we can make omelets.
Posted by: sonofwalker![[TypeKey Profile Page]](
Stalin spent many vegetarian years as dictator before the meat-eating years began. We might end up with such a leader in our lands if we do nothing now to promote decent men instead of those we have now. These are the vegetarian years for us. If we do nothing to prevent the rise of the cannibals, then we will suffer, as will the whole of Humanity, not just murder but the shame of having been able to prevent it if only we'd bothered.
Wondering what happened to Anna Akhmatova? She survived Stalin's meat-eating years. Will you want to? I know too much about Stalin. If we need our own Stalin as Secretary of State, then count me out. We still have a democracy, and we can still use it to make rational sense of our societies. We still have right law and Human decency. If we do nothing until it's too late, then our choices will be bitter indeed. I don't want to overthrow our government. I want to make our government better than it has ever been before. I want to vote for you. I don't want to see you lose to Stalin. I don't want to witness the meat-eating years that will come if you do nothing. Act before it's too late.