Here's what we get from the Internet direct via Drudge Report:
And the story is:
http://webcache.This eye-witness account is from Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association:
Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.
Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.
Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.
“The fifth large mob action in about a month.” Wow. This is really outrageous. Why is this neighborhood having to put up with this? “Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors”? Seriously? That’s the best we can do for our fellow citizens’ safety?
This needs to be addressed, and quickly.
I don't know if this account is true, but I do see that the media refuses to deal with it, true or not. That strikes me as censorship, which I think of as a bad thing. Hence, I post this story, true or false, and you decide what to make of it till we find out more. One way of finding out more would be to contact the person reporting the original story. Here's what one might do:
Paul Wilkinson - President | |
309-256-2065 | |
altamont_park@yahoo.com |
He might get sick of answering the phone, but one can hope to get the story directly from him. Let me know if that works.
There is now more, thanks to Above Top Secret for the link. I can say with good certainty that I do know one thing about this case: I wasn't there. I go with what I read, and I keep a more or less open mind. That's why I get mightily steamed when I encounter censors withholding information from me. In the interests of knowing what kind of nation we live in, here is more about the story, which I take with yet another pinch of salt, given that the main source is a local politician. If Peoria City Councilwoman Barbara Van Auken has ever in her life told the truth about anything, I can swear to you, dear reader, I have never heard it. I don't know the lady. Maybe she was until recently a man. I can't speak to that either. Your call.
Allegations of racist threats and mob-style intimidation in a West Bluff neighborhood Friday captured national attention over the weekend, but some say the claims were exaggerated.
A group of 50 or so young people was walking down Thrush Avenue toward Sheridan Road about 10:50 p.m. Friday, concerning some residents.
Paul Wilkinson, who has lived on Sheridan for 11 years, says the group was blocking four lanes of traffic, fighting and yelling racist comments at neighbors.
"They were yelling 'We're gonna kill all the white people. This is our neighborhood,'" Wilkinson, 45, said.
He emailed his account of the incident to several City Council members and one local blogger. The report at The Peoria Chronicle website was quickly picked up by dozens of other sites, including the widely read online news site The Drudge Report with the headline "Pandemonium in Peoria: Mob yells 'Kill all white people.'"
Some residents, unaware of the media attention, confirmed Sunday there was a crowd in the street Friday, but said that race was not involved. A police report on the incident does not even mention the word race.
Police responded to Thrush on Friday night on a report of fireworks and fighting but found neither of those activities occurring, a police report stated. The group dispersed in multiple directions when an officer arrived. No one was arrested.
Khalid Davis, who lives on Thrush, said the group blocked a few cars but was very orderly. He witnessed no fights and called the racist allegations a "heck of an exaggeration."
"If I heard them screaming any such thing, I would have called police immediately," said Davis, 62.
Wilkinson, the president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association, said Sunday the neighborhood has seen its share of problems with drugs and guns in his 11 years there, but the problems have visibly increased as of late. He said police recommended residents stay inside and keep their doors locked.
The effects of the allegations were evident in the neighborhood Sunday. A police nuisance abatement truck called the Armadillo, outfitted with cameras, was parked on the side of Thrush.
Peoria City Councilwoman Barbara Van Auken said Sunday she is outraged by Wilkinson's allegations.
Van Auken, who has known Wilkinson for six years, said he's had a history of "wildly exaggerating" reports, many of them involving race. And police are well aware of it.
"We have some very gullible new council members who were dumb enough to believe him," she said, declining to name names.
Wilkinson said he met with Councilwoman Beth Akeson following his email and spoke to Councilman Chuck Weaver over the weekend. Weaver told the Journal Star he planned to meet with the mayor about the incident.
Van Auken said there are few, if any, racial tensions in the neighborhood where the incident occurred.
"It's a national embarrassment now," she said.
Mayor Jim Ardis was unaware Sunday evening of the national attention the issue had caused. He called it "concerning" but said he did not think Peoria was unique when it came to such incidents.
Ardis said he wasn't sure to what extent the reports were accurate.
"Not knowing all the details, it's surprising that it's caught national attention," he said.
In the meantime, police have increased patrols in the area, and Ardis, who is out of town, expects more reports on the incident to be available when he returns Wednesday.
Kenny Rogers, who has lived on Sheridan for 10 years, called police Friday after he saw the group "hollering" and stopping traffic on the street. He did not hear anyone yell that they wanted to kill white people.
Rogers says the crowd was running wildly around yards and porches. It was the largest Rogers, 38, had ever seen in the neighborhood.
"They were doing a show of force," he said, "to show everybody, 'Hey, this is their hood.'"