Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dag's Hottest Scoop

London's Central Defenestration Committee staged a massive demonstration earlier today under the office of the Lord Mayor, Red Ken Livingstone. Between sips of tea and nibbles of cucumber sandwiches, the a woman bearing a striking resemblance to the Queen and thousand of other British protesters chanted "Throw Red Ken out of Office!"

"She then went on to describe me as a liar, a hypocrite, a coward and arrogant," whimpered Red Ken, during an interview in his office. "On November 21, 2002 she published a profile of me in which I was described as a 'snappy, snarling brute', 'voracious', 'frightening', 'ugly', 'raging' and 'gripped by paranoia'."


Recently there have been a large number of demonstrations by defenestration committees around the world, and all of them share the same slogan: "Throw the bastards out of office."

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