Maccusgermanis did the same in Alabama. If this weren't so enjoyable I would claim it's tough to do week after week. The fact is that beause it works for us it is a pleasure to do. For those who are struggling to find others to wrk with we urge you to continue. There is a movement afoot, slow but certain, and we will be important to it as the early voices who help bring this movement to fruition. The hesitant know of us and wait for the time to become riper. We have to keep it up and give others our strength. In time, some of you will be heroes. That's what heroes are-- people like you. Heroes are normal and decent people who do extraordinary things in times of need. We need you now. This is what we face.
The New York Times somehow doesn't think it's worth printing in the following story that the yoots in question are Muslims. Well, the yoots are Muslims. Let's get used to it. We'll be seeing much more of this kind of activity, according to our friend me, in the coming months. I began in November predicting that the rioting would resume in mid-April. I suggest now that we have not really seen the beginnings yet of the Muslim rioting to come, this being just opportunistic violence; the real Muslim rioting will begin, and only just begin, in two more weeks. It will, I continue to predict, intensify throuhgout the summer till it climaxes in August with full-scale insurrection and a military coup d'etat in France, with Europe wide rioting by Muslims, and in sympathy riot across the Muslim world.
Europe, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Violent Youths Threaten to Hijack Demonstrations in Paris
Published: March 30, 2006
PARIS, March 29 — The images are unnerving: hooded, swift-footed youths infiltrating protest rallies in the heart of tourist Paris, smashing shop windows, setting cars on fire, beating and robbing passers-by and throwing all sorts of objects at the riot police.
On the same day, a group of youths, above, attacked a man, one of several incidents involving violence and vandalism by so-called casseurs, or smashers, officials said.
They are called the casseurs — the smashers. With more huge marches planned for next week as part of a continuing protest over a new jobs law, the casseurs are the volatile chemical that could ignite an even bigger crisis for the government than the impasse over the law itself.
They create primarily a law-and-order problem, evoking the rioting that gripped the troubled suburbs of French cities for weeks last fall. Pumped up by news coverage, these youths boast of trying to steal cellphones and money and vow to take revenge for the daily humiliation they say they endure from the police.
But the casseurs create an image problem as well, as striking television images and photographs of youths, some of them masked, and the police using tear gas and water cannons, give the impression of a Paris under siege. "Don't Go to Paris," read a headline in the British tabloid The Sun last Saturday.
In live coverage of the mass protests in Paris on Tuesday, CNN compared the protests to the 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising in Beijing. On Wednesday, a CNN correspondent called the comparison "regrettable" during a meeting between Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy and the foreign news media.
What worries the authorities now is that the targets of anger are shifting, moving beyond attacks on property to attacks on people as well.
"I am deeply worried because we are seeing an unleashing of violence by 2,000 to 3,000 thugs who come to smash and loot," Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy said in an interview in the popular tabloid Le Parisien on Wednesday. "My objective is to avoid mistakes by the police, so that people can protest in safety."
The police and independent analysts say that most of the vandalism and violence that has marred the protests has been by young men, largely immigrants or the children of immigrants, from tough, underprivileged suburbs, who roam in groups and have little else to keep them busy.
"In France, we always imagine violence to be political because of our revolutions, but this isn't the case," said Sebastian Roché, a political scientist who specializes in delinquency in the suburbs. "The casseurs are people who are apart from the political protests. Their movement is apolitical. It is about banal violence — thefts, muggings, aggression."
But left-wing anarchists and right-wing skinheads have also been responsible for some of the disruption. The police said that in the protests on Tuesday, for example, they could identify about 1,500 casseurs, most of whom seemed to be suburban youths, and about 300 more who seemed to be "anarchist-leftist" militants. One bearded man who led a small band in taunting the police on Tuesday carried the black anarchist flag in one hand and a flaming torch in the other.
Among those who occupied and vandalized the prestigious École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, witnesses said, there were nonstudents, some who were drunk, and some as old as 40, who brought sleeping bags and advocated anarchy. "You are seeing a return to the idea of legitimate use of violence for political means" by the extreme left and to a lesser extent by the extreme right, Mr. Roché said.
The casseur phenomenon is not new. During student protests in 1994 over a plan to cut the legal minimum wage for the young, hundreds of youths from the suburbs descended on Paris to attach themselves to peaceful protests and turn their rage against the police.
Many of the those youths, identified as coming in from the poor suburbs, battled the police, burned cars and smashed store windows.
In one protest, nearly 50 policemen were injured in five hours of violence. In another incident, a television cameraman was beaten and kicked so badly as he filmed a gang of casseurs that he suffered a fractured skull.
In the current protests, the technology of cellphones makes it easier for the roving bands of youths to coordinate their actions and warn one another about police movements.
Jean-Claude Delage, secretary general of Alliance, a police union, said the police had to deal with "a pattern of urban guerrilla warfare, with highly mobile youth, five or six of them together, linked by cellphones and attacking anyone at all."
Some of the youths even share instant war trophies: photographs and short scenes of violence and vandalism they have captured on their cellphones.
The police have so far been using restraint, trying to avoid what is called the Malik Oussekine syndrome. Malik Oussekine was a 22-year-old student protester who died after being badly beaten by the police during a mass demonstration in 1986 to protest a proposal to give universities more autonomy in student selection. President Jacques Chirac, who was prime minister at the time, withdrew the initiative; the education minister was forced to resign.
Mr. Sarkozy said his concerns about avoiding attacks on innocent people prevented him from authorizing the riot police to move in against troublemakers on Tuesday evening while peaceful protesters were still in the area. A small number of his plainclothes police officers are wearing dreadlock wigs, hoods and Palestinian kaffiyehs to try to blend in with the street toughs.
Asked by Le Parisien whether he was afraid of the "Malik Oussekine syndrome," Mr. Sarkozy replied: "I had to deal with 25 days of riots in November. Not one person died."
Ariane Bernard contributed reporting for this article.
Sarkozy is dreaming. France will burn to the ground. If I'm wrong, please demand your money back. My secretary should be done filing her nails by then and the cheques will be in the mail. If I'm right, then we must organise ourselves along new principles of politics, something the likes of which we have never yet considered. This its the time to start thinking and acting for the future as it will be. What is to be done? You're going to decide that.
I've been summarising my EuroIslamic Awareness. Has anyone got anything to add to this list?
- Is a mind-control and information-control cult founded by a murderer, brigand, rapist and pedophile called Mohammed.
- Claims to worship the same God as Christians and Jews, but in fact worships a demonic abomination which is Mohammed's character writ large, incorporating some pagan practices such as moon and meteorite-worship and cut-throat blood sacrifice of animals and non-believers.
- Is Mohammed's personality cult. Has no other foundations but Mo's murderous rantings (Koran and Hadith).
- There is no philosophical nor theological basis, and the whole belief system is contradicted by science, philosophy, commonsense and human decency.
- Cannot withstand rational criticism. Can only spread and maintain itself by ignorance, illiteracy, war, terrorism, and intimidation.
- Has a superstitious dread of images of animals (esp pigs), humans, crosses and Buddhas.
- Regards women as semihuman. Wife-beating and child abuse are encouraged.
- Regards unbelievers (Kaffirs, Kufrs, Kafirs sp?) as ritually unclean subhumans to be killed, subjugated, enslaved, exploited or parasitised.
- The ethical system applies only to Muslims. Allah encourages rape and pillage of non-Muslims.
- The cultists are motivated by hatred, greed and lust. There is no love, mercy or compassion.
- All human relations are defined by Dominance/Subjugation. Cultists have schizoid inferiority/superiority complexes.
- Polygamy ensures alpha-males get extra women. Beta-males must either jerk off (a sin leading to hell) or form dog-packs and rape or capture kafir women as booty in a razzia, or self-destruct then they can screw 72 mythical virgins in Allah's bordello in the sky.
- Lying and deception of infidels (taqiyya) is OK. This may take many forms including outright lies, feigned moderation, and condemnation of terrorist attacks to the Kafr while rejoicing with Muslims.
- Cultists are forbidden to befriend non-Cultists except for purposes of deceit or where conversion may be possible.
- The Koran is Allah's final word and cannot be changed or challenged. To do so is punishable by death. Consequently, the Cult can never change or be reformed.
- Treaties and agreements with Kaffirs are made to be broken (Hudna).
- The world is divided between Dar al-Islam and Dar al Harb (domain of war, the Kufr lands). Muslims living in Dar al Harb must work to disrupt their host nations until these can be brought into Dar al Islam.
- Muslims have no obligation to their hosts and in fact are encouraged to parasitise them. Welfare fraud, identity theft, forgery etc are endemic in Western Muslim populations, and serious crime against Kufrs is regarded as normal and justified.
..... have I left any major feature out?
"In France, we always imagine violence to be political because of our revolutions, but this isn't the case," said Sebastian Roché, a political scientist who specializes in delinquency in the suburbs. "The casseurs are people who are apart from the political protests. Their movement is apolitical. It is about banal violence — thefts, muggings, aggression."
hmm, maybe it's just me, but if someone tries to mug me i feel it is political, no matter how uneducated and "banal" the mugger is. Once France descends into ubiquitous everyday barbarism, the proposed solutions to the problem will all be decidely political. This academic just doesn't want to face those realities yet because it's not his kind of politics. But it is precisely a failure of politics that has brought these millions of unassimilated youth into contact with those whose "politics" has become little more than a fashionable romantic fetish, time out of class with hip scarves and cellphones.
Good point about the politicisation of street violence and ferality. Anything that happens in public in the polity is political, and if our leaders, so-called, refuse to accept that, then what are they doing for a living?
When the polis is abandoned by philosophers, then it's time for civility to be restored by authority.
I'm still a democrat. I wonder how long I'll be in the majority? How much longer till people develop into an unbreakable bundle of corprorate bonadage for safety's sake? How long till fashion dictates a black shirt?
..... have I left any major feature out?
Good grief. What if you have? How much worse can it get?
A military coup in france, this year? Is he serious?
Look to your French history to see that a coup is indeed likely. The Revolution of 1789 was the result of the build-up of Versailles's siphoning away of palace revolt. The Commune of 1848 was the citizens' version of a coup, and so was the commune of 1871. The later ended in a coup by the reactionaries. The uprising in 1968 is not a coup only becuase De Gaul managed to live through numerous coup attempts and had no opposition left.
In French Canada in 1970 the prime minister imposed marial law and deposed the state by decree over some slight incident. There is great precedent.
If the people feel that the government is illegitimate, i.e. not capable of maintaining law and order, they will take to the streets, either for or against their interests in the state. That is insurrection. Without the consent of the governed someone else must rule in place of the weak. There is one precedent that comes to mind, name of Napoleon.
No, I'm not kidding.
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