Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How Football can Save the Modern World

Islam isn't a religion like others, it is a political religion, one sworn to conquest and domination of all other religions and peoples. When Islam comes to a land, it queers the pitch for the locals, either kills them in the process of conquest, converts them to Islam, or turns them into dhimmis, i.e. those allowed to live on condition they pay jizya, or extortion tax. England today, and most nations not already subjugate by Islam, are under threat of Islamisation. That's the nature of Islam, though many refuse to accept the obvious reality of it. That refusal is based in part, I believe, on class hatred.

In Britain that class of haters is the intelligenstia. The intelligentsia, and those masochists who crawl for them, are the replacement population for the lost hereditary aristocracy of Europe and their serfs, slaves, and servants. There is in Europe today a new aristocracy of feudalist pretenders to the thrones of nations held, to an ever lessening degree, by the people as sovereign. Free countries, nations in which adult citizens are able to freely elect political representatives of their choice, are nations of free people, nations in which every citizen is his own king, as it were .

Many people hate the idea of "freedom." They might personally not like the idea of being free to make personal decisions, preferring to have someone in a position of authority make decisions for them, eg those who join groups to find a father-figure. They might hate the idea of another person they don't respect having the same freedom to be king that they have, legal equality being offensive to them, those who, for example hate Sarah Palin because she's "stupid" and love Obama because he's a "genius." The worst of the hating lot are those who hate the idea of people being kings in any respect, those who see only themselves as kings, the rabble unworthy of any freedom at all, the worst of this lot being Philosopher Kings. The intelligentsia, the smart set, the ones who know, the Gnostics who see how things should be and have the Will to Power to make it so even if they have to kill millions upon millions of stupid people to make their utopian visions come true. For all of those who hate freedom, the freedom they hate is the ability of others to ignore them and live private lives as they see fit. The sadists, the masochists, the Philospher Kings hate being treated like just any other fellow. They really do think themselves Kings-- or toadies. Yes, to ingratiate themselves before those more equal than themselves, some underlings used to swallow whole toads to show the king they knew their place in the social order. Today we call them dhimmis. They all hate freedom, individualism, privacy, personality, equality under the law. Like Muslims they want a system of complete submission.

But football wrecks the scheme, queers the pitch, disrupts the hierarchical playing field of the game going on. Football level the field for everyone, in its social way. The Philosopher Kings and their dhimmis hate it, as they have for centuries. Football, in its unique way, is equality in action.

Prior to the Enclosure Acts of the early 19th century, the commons were areas stretching from place to place where any man and any group of men could roam at will. Often times they roamed around kicking a ball, village to village, the game of football. With the enclosures came the need for pitches, for plots of public land for groups to play football in restricted areas. We could today call such games "turf wars." Some do. They call the players "street gangs." They call football players and their fans "hooligans." Those who have a place and a home where they play and owe some emotional loyalty to, they are oft times "the mob." Look at a large group of football fans from one place and see that they are a frightening sight to an elitist group who think of themselves as Philosopher Kings. Aggressive men running around out of control, what the genius of Sandwell, West Midlands, Yvonne Davis of the local council deems "tribal enthusiasm." Free people among their mates living their own lives with their own best abilities in play. Those who love slavery cannot stand football and its free play of personal abilities. The Philosopher Kings can't stand the mob. The people cheering locals and booing the far side team, it is "low." It's not the perfectly regulated utopia of the Philosopher Kings. That's one reason why football is essential to our survival as people free and able to win our own freedoms further, competing against ourselves and others for greater good. Not one world of masters and slave; but a home team of mates and heroes among us.

Freedom: keep that ball for the home team. Our team for our mates in our homes will save our freedom from the Philosopher Kings who'd otherwise have us toiling in the fields for their aesthetic enjoyment as they ride past and look at us from afar, well-regulated and orderly and perfectly submissive. Kick! It'll save the world.


Tim Johnston said...


thanks for this.

Dag said...

The idea is solid enough but I could easily write a book on the subject. Maybe our English friends can think about it and let others know that football is culture for the masses, and not a threat to social peace, as the elites have it.

Let's forget about saying "We're not racists" in favour of saying we love our home pitch.

Glad you liked it, Viking. Thank you for say so.

Tim Johnston said...

"But football wrecks the scheme, queers the pitch, disrupts the hierarchical playing field of the game going on. Football level the field for everyone, in its social way. The Philosopher Kings and their dhimmis hate it, as they have for centuries. Football, in its unique way, is equality in action."

Having read the article again, I'd like to offer a more detailed response to it. The above statement is one I can't agree with more, and have said so for years.
Soccer is the great leveller, the truly international game. Driving past South African townships this morning I saw kids playing with goals made out of stick and old string. That's how half the Brazilian team started out.
I've loved the game since I could kick a ball.

The intelligentsia can't bear working class heroes. Ok, many act like thugs but many English stars are true gents. It is also the one sport where minorities can excel, and do.
The USA, once they put their minds to the game - eventually - played like true athletes in the last few World Cups.
It may be a team sport, but individual glory is still the meaning of the game.

"Those who love slavery cannot stand football and its free play of personal abilities."