Sunday, April 16, 2006

The sad thing is, we don't know if it's a hoax or not..

Courtesy of french blog bafweb, who describe it as a Croatian driver's license.

They include a disclaimer that its origin is unverified, and unverifiable.

Isn't it amazing that we must wonder if its real in the first place....


Dymphna said...

Happy Eastertide...and I'm stealing this little blue egg of yours...with all the proper links of course.


Anonymous said...

Of course it is a hoax you dim-wit! It is a Joke.

Dag said...

It's a joke right up till the time one realises it's not funny at all.

The only thing that stops this kind of whimmitude from happening here in Canada is the lack of a larger number of Muslims along the lines of Elmasry, who continues to push for shari'a and more grovelling dhimmitude from thie people of the nation he resides in. It's not so funny when one realises private Muslim citizens try to appply for drivers licences here dressed up like than to make an issue of Islam as victim. How funny is that?