Thursday, August 04, 2005

Islamic Flat Earth News: De-mobbed IRA Sappers take up Jihad.

Former IRA terrorists have turned to gardening.

IRA Provo spokesmen held a news conference today to announce that the Provisional IRA has denounced the use of arms in their struggle to rid the hated infidels from the Land of the Two Holy Sites of Islam in Ireland, writes IFEN reporter, Said Ali.

Holding hands in a show of solidarity with the oppressed peoples of the Umma, kafirs Michael FitzRonald and Ronald FitzMichael said the IRA has given up the armed struggle against the Zionist Conspiracy in favor of jihad.

"We've turned to pansies," said one spokesman.

"Praise Allah," said another, "We are tending our gardens-- jihad-wise."

A gentle reminder that my book, An Occasional Walker, is available at the link here:
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