Friday, June 17, 2005

We, Revolutionaries....

In the desert I saw a creature, naked, bestial, who, squatting
upon the ground, held his heart in his hands, and ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?" "It is bitter--bitter," he answered;
but I like it because it is bitter, and because it is my heart.

Stephen Crane, The Black Riders and other Lines, III. 1895.

The French peasantry fought against the three internal feudal French Estates of King, Nobility, and Church, sending those more or less whole to the chopper, which made way for an upward movement of class power in the hands of the new bourgeios class of merchants and industrialists, made posible with the great assistence of the vast armies of the petit-bourgeios and peasants themselves, the latter of whom split into those complacent and self-satisfied grubbers who today are the French population, and on the lower rung, the extremists who were to go on to become the communards and communists, those who today are the dhimmi intelligensia of Western Europe, the the nouveau-sansculottes in Gucci loafers. The socio-economic contradictions between the bourgeios and the peasants grew, not so deeply in France as in England, but in France more violently due, perhaps, to the experience of 1789 revolution, which hardly took place on the streets of Britain as it did across Europe. The revolutions of 1848 were an attempted power-grab by the Continentl peasants, who lost, and who are now, with the exception of 1968ers, satisfied with their political representation within government and society at large. In Britain, the conditions of the workingclasses are much the same. The history of the revolution in the United States took a different turn spending its endergies by going west, by annihilating the local indigenous poplulation as opposed to guillotining the existing ruling classes or forming liberal-socialist unions as in Britain. And Russia, as backward as any place could be in Europe, took until 1917 to make its contribution to the revolution of Modernity, a failed contribution by any reasonable standard, and one that Russia suffers from today. The German Revolution, which is nearly completely ignored, is the one that should interest us most deeply in regard to the state of Islam and Modernity today, the German Revolution lasting from 1800 to 1946, the revolution of reaction, the revolution that has settled upon the world of Islam like an Alp, the revolution of Romance.

The French Revolution of 1789 wiped out the parasitic classes and invented for Humanity the intellectual programme of Modernity: liberty, equality, and community membership. The English invented privacy and individualism, the pursuit of unlimited personal wealth and protection from privilge and arbitrary expropriation as well as the useful concept of independent corporate identity. The American Revolution gave space for man to exercize his right to democratic individualism and personal identity as an individual agent through purchase of private land, the law of bourgeois ownership being superimposed upon Nature, and the personal arms to fight against tyranny, should it ever try to raise its ugly head in the land. The Russian Revolution worked its way into a Byzantine pseudo-scientific swamp of socialist utopia, from which it is still trying to find its way out. The French spread their revolution across Europe by force; the English spread theirs by commerce and gun-boats; the American by land-theft and permanent colonialization; the Russians by ineptitude and force. Germany sat still. Whine as people do, the American Revolution stopped dead at the coast of California. Germany waited.

"[A]lone of all the contemporary revolutions, the French was ecumenical. Its armies set out to revolutionize the world; its ideas actually did so." (Howsbawm: p. 75.) Well, obviously some people didn't read the paper that day. The Napoleonic spread of the French Revolution was even less successful than the spread of the American Revolution. The revolutions of ideas and ideology stalled, and it is the British revolution, the Industrial Revolution, that continued to roll onward, continuing to this day to crush all resistence. Where ideas failed to take root, factories were born in their place. The French proprieter, the British shop-keeper, the American businessman, these are the revolutionaries of Modernity. Those three revolutionary paths represent the contemporary possiblities of universal progressive revolution. They are a sad lot in terms of Romance.

The German Revolution, postponed and denied until the collapse of the Weimar Republic, was the equivalent of the Sansculotte terror of 1789-93 and 1848. Of both, we can see: "The peasantry never provides a political alternative to anyone; merely, as occasion dictates, an almost irresistable force or an almost immovable object. The Sansculottes were... the actual demonstrators, rioters, constructors of barricades. [S]ansculottism provided no real alternative either. Its ideal, a golden past of villages and small craftsmen or a golden future of small farmers and artisans undisturbed by bankers and millionaires, was unrealizable. History moved dead against them. Sansculottism was so helpless a phenomenon that its very name is largely forgotten...." (Hobsbawm: p. pp. 84-85.) The Sansculottes might be forgotten, but their brethern the Nazis are not, nor are those of the same mold today, the various Islamic terrorist cliques and the fascist movement of Islam itself. They are a continuum of lumpen-proletarian reactionaries, hysterics and utopians. They are all the same undistinguishable mess of Romantic and vicious peasant losers that was the generality of the feudal and primitives' world before the freedoms of Modernity took hold of the Human mind from the Renaissance onward to our blessed time. The dangerous classes and the immovable peasantry need to be removed, as we have seen in our own history since 1793. When they are in support of reaction they cause mass movements of murderous and genocidal war. Today they are fascist Islam, children of the Nazis, grandchildren of the Sansculottes, the wasted remnants of the primitive life of Humanity. They are a sad lot in terms of Modernity.

"France made its revolutions and gave them their ideas... and European (or indeed world) politics were largely the struggle for and against the principles of 1789, or even the more incendiary ones of 1793." (Hobsbawm: p 73.)

So it is that we today are still in the midst of the Modernist Revolution, and we, being so placed, are revolutionaries. Our Islamic and dhimmi adversaries today are simply another manifestaion of the fascist reaction of pre-1776/79 and modern industrialism. The immovable peasantry of Islam will either move or it will not. Its only movement so far is one backward, a retrenchment of primitivism, an outbreak of Sansculotte lumpen terrorism, of Nazi Romaniticism.

Our paths of Modern Revolution are at crossroads, as is the human population itself, and we must analyse our future path clearly to engage in the proper understanding of the direction we will take. Our Muslim cousins are content to stew in their hatreds, and their dhimmi collaborators are happier to see them die than to assist in the spread of universal progress, denying such a concept legitimately exists, hearkening to Neitzche for authority, bandying about vacuuities such as Relativism of various ideological brands, and generally fighting a retrograde war in favor of fascist philobarbarism and sentimentalist primitivism at the cost of human life beyond measure. But ours is the predominant revolutionary force that will prevail, though where it will take us is a question unknown at this point, and one we must consider to be sure we wish to follow along rahter than revert to animal stupdities of Islam and like primitivisms and infantalizations of humanity by the Left. We have to know our enemies, their world-view, their goals so we know that we either agree or that we will make total war for our success. We are right or not. We will fight or not.

The Moslem world of reaction is doomed. The human race is bifurcating before our eyes, and there is no thread strong enough to stitch together the rift. We must answer clearly the single question of our time: "What is to be done?" What are we to do with the evil and filthy savage squatting in the desert feasting on his own heartfelt hatreds?

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