Friday, September 23, 2005

Richard Darre, Greens, Men, Chickens

We are approaching our topics of concern here in a piece-meal fashion, the over-all theme being the history of Counter-Enlightenment influence on Left dhimmi fascism.

This installment looks very briefly at Darre, one of the founders of modern environmentalism. Many readers, other than those who know already, who are committed Greens, for example, will protest that the Green movement and environmentalism generally is not the product of incipient fascism. Well, yes it is.

We are not suggesting that modern environmentalists and Greenpeace donors are Nazis. We do, and will in depth later, argue fully that envirnmentalism is fascism. For this post we leave it to the reader to mull over the barest facts below. This post will remain in the archives here, and in time we'll make reference to it in part two of this essay.

For those who wish to argue against Darre's fascism and his seminal influence on environmentalism currently please feel free to do so. We will come back to this topic and Darre when possible. For today it's all yours.

Richard Darré, the son of German parents, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 14th July, 1895. Educated in Germany and England, Darré joined the German Army and fought as an artillery officer on the Western Front during the First World War.

After the war he joined the Freikorps in Berlin. He then finished his studies and qualified as a agronomist in 1922. A close friend of Heinrich Himmler he joined the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).

Books that he wrote at this time reflected the influence of Nazi views on race: Das Bauerntum als Lebensquell der Nordischen Rasse (1928), Um Blut und Boden (1929) and Neuadel aus Blut and Boden (1930). In his books Darré claimed it was the Nordic race that had been the true creators of European culture. He advocated the creation of what he called a "Germanic aristocracy of the soil" as a new ruling class.

Darré became the main figure in the Nazi Party interested in agriculture and was very successful in recruiting farmers into the party. When Adolf Hitler gained power in 1933 he appointed Darré as Reich Minister for Food and Agriculture. He was also head of the organization of German farmers established by the Nazis.

In 1933 he was elected to the Reichstag and became President of the German Agricultural Society. A member of the Schutz Staffeinel (SS) he became Chief of the Central Office for Race and Resettlement. In this role he wrote a series of books on racial topics that illustrated his anti-semitism.

His attempts to protect the German farmer from international capitalism brought him into conflict with the free-market views of Hjalmar Schacht. As Schacht was able to bring in large financial contributions from Germany's industrialists Darré lost his influence with Adolf Hitler.

During the Second World War Hitler passed control of agricultural issues in occupied territories to Heinrich Himmler. After failing to maintain food supplies in Nazi Germany Darré was dismissed from office in May 1942.

Darré was captured in 1945 and was eventually sentenced to five years imprisonment after being found guilty of confiscating the property of Polish and Jewish farmers during the war. Richard Darré died in Munich on 8th September, 1953.

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