Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Howard Rotberg presents Jamie Glazov in a new Western Classic, "Showdown with Evil"

I thought it was going to co-star Clint Eastwood. Well, turns out this is a different kind of Western, one a little more important to our lives at this time in the West.

Jamie Glazov has a new book out recently, Showdown with Evil, featured at Front Page Magazine. You can read the review there, or you can trust what you know about Glazov and order the book directly from the publisher, Howard Rotberg's Mantua Press, or from Amazon if it's still in stock [which it is as of this writing]. Frontpage writes:

In this extraordinary collection of interviews, Jamie Glazov demonstrates that consistent, searching questions can both enrich and impart coherence to disparate answers: for what emerges from 29 interviews conducted over eight years is an illuminating and important commentary on the largest issues facing America and the West.
We here at Covenant Zone in Vancouver, Canada know both the publisher and the author to an extent, prompting this promotion in particular. However, it is on the strength of the work itself that I suggest looking at this book closely. Glazov is a good thinker and writer, and the subject is important to us generally. As readers and writers I think this is worth our consideration. Link to Glazov's work at Mantua Books directly here.

More at Jihad Watch.

And at Blazing Catfur.


christian soldier said...

thanks for the heads upo on the book-'
ie the post below -Beautiful Saddle-good to know a fellow horse-lover-

and-you were so fortunate to be presentat the - now famous- singing of the Hallelujah Chorus...

Dag said...

We are so lucky to live in such a great time. I wish everyone could be as happy in life as I am. Everyone deserves at least that much. Thank you for adding to it.

Always good to see you again.