Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Man and Men: Bound

Identity politics and multiculturalism are two more strands of Left dhimmi fascism; they in turn bind to the overall theme of this blog, that of the conflation of Left and Right into a nihilistic and philobarbarist reaction that seeks to destroy the world of Modernity, of progress, universality and human freedom. It comes to this: if one is part of an identifiable group, then one is that first rather than first an individual. The accidents of birth make ones person valid rather than ones being as such making one valid. If, by the chance of birth, one is X, then one is forever X regardless of what one is as a person individually. As we've seen from Herder and especially in Fichte, one is of ones national language group, and by extension of ones racial group, real and authentic in the Kierkegaardian sense only among ones group in ones proper place. We consider this approach to epistemology, (not as ontology,) to be a post-Right Left dhimmi fascism.

For the sake of clarity and brevity we turn to wikipedia for a short explanation of 'Identity Politics."

Identity politics is the political activity of various social movements which represent and seek to advance the interests of particular groups in society, the members of which often share and unite around common experiences of actual or perceived social injustice. Such groups argue that they are in some way socially or politically disenfranchised, marginalized or disadvantaged relative to the wider society of which they form part. These movements seek to achieve better social and political outcomes for the members of such groups. In this way, the identity of the oppressed group gives rise to a political basis around which they then unite.

Identity politics also encompasses the development of a social identity for group members, and a body of thought which may be used to challenge dominant stereotypes about group members.

Identity politics may be based around race, ethnicity, sex, religion, caste, sexual orientation, physical disability or some other assigned or perceived trait. [....] Most group identities materialize through the collective consciousness of individuals about a commonly felt oppression or intersections of oppression, such as between race and class or sex and sexuality.

Identity politics along the political spectrum is based on the argument that a putatively oppressed group can use their identity as a source of collective resistance to their commonly felt oppression.

The group identity will deal with and seek to alleviate injustices associated with real or perceived oppression against them based on that identity. This may involve social and legislative reform like affirmative action with the goal that people within the group can in this way achieve equality. It can also involve a separatist approach. Particular focus in any form of identity politics is on the contrast between what is considered to be a social, political and occupational privilege of the dominant group(s) as compared to what is considered discrimination faced by the oppressed group. In this relationship the dominant, normative group is privileged to the oppression of the nondominant group.

We'll leave it at this for now. Our next view of identity will cover the beginning of racialist identity.

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