My best gal has terrible luck with husbands, no fault of hers. I think I must have been a pretty terrible husband to drive away such a lovely girl. I am, however, a far cry better than the last guy she married.
I had news recently, sort of because I've been traveling in the Amazon for a while and have been out of touch with the rest of the world, from what passes in my life as family. I'm the one who is, to my surprise, not family. The others stick together, there being names I know not of, kids and kids of kids I don't know even of. But my news is that for my birthday the gods gave me a wonderful present: my father had a massive stroke that killed him a week or so later. If that gloating makes me seem like a second rate prick, consider why I might be so. I'm as rotten a man sometimes, though not so often, as my father, a totally rotten piece so crap. But, again, bad as I might be, I'm still alive. I hope to write more about my time and doings, now again in the Amazon, as I reach the city of Iquitos and perhaps from there continue ever deeper into the mystery of the jungle. Till then, looking into the Heart of Dagness requires some dance music to make it fun. Click the link and dance it up. You won't live forever.
I'm on my way to the riverfront to catch my boat for another week of sailing in the jungle. Will write again when I land on dry-- mud...
Into the heart of Dagness....
¨The ho-ho-ho-rror,¨ he laughed.
A gentle reminder that my book, An Occasional Walker, is available at the link here: 0987761501/ref=sr_1_1?s=books& ie=UTF8&qid=1331063095&sr=1-1
And here are some reviews and comments on said book: html
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