Monday, November 11, 2019

America Divided by Idea

Part One

I think Hegel was right. I think we are witnessing a world-historic event of the dialectic of history. What better way to think of Trump as president of the U.S.A. and Chesa Boudin as the D.A. of San Francisco? This is an incredible event, this total bifurcation of thought and movement in our nation. This is the kind of event that Hegel wrote about. This is the mind of God moving across existence. Happens often, but this is the first time in my life I truly see it happening.

Part Two

Most of us have witnessed world-class poverty in our travels. San Salvador, La Paz, Cairo, Calcutta, and so on. We all know at least one place that seems like hell. I'd rather live in any of those cities than live in an America city run by Democrats: Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, L.A. I am a bad person because of that.
Jackson Kernion, who describes himself as a Graduate Student Instructor at Berkeley... writes:
“I unironically embrace the bashing of rural Americans. They, as a group, are bad people who have made bad life decisions. Some, I assume are good people. But this nostalgia for some imagined pastoral way of life is stupid and we should shame people who aren’t pro-city,” he wrote in a since-deleted tweet.
Kernion tried to justify his statements with economic arguments about not making rural life “*artificially* cheaper,” but quickly devolved into personal attacks against rural and not “pro-city” Americans.
I've written a fair amount on alternative housing. I don't care if that makes me a bad person. I am, in fact, a bad person, but in ways the idiot above hasn't encountered as yet. I'm nostalgic for the past state of my nation, which as I alluded to recently, must mean I am a racist. I have a fair amount of education in the Philosophy Dept. at my university, equal to, at least, the buffoonish grad. student above. But, I am still a bad person. No, not like the idiot above seems to want to mean: I am a seriously bad person. When I'm not being stupid, I am a pretty smart fellow. I am a rural person. That seems to make me an enemy of Kernion. I'm up for it. He's going to have to come to me in the forest; but there are millions of others far closer, some very much more dangerous than I, who will be eager to meet him. I'll be in my alternative house in the forest. I'm returning to my private rural America, though only in my mind as I recreate it on a micro scale. I don't need the hellish cityscapes of idiots like Kerion.
I fear that my own nation is a thing of the past. I suspect that, as Hegel wrote, there is a dialectical movement of History in motion at this time that will result in the destruction of both the Democrat present of the cities they've destroyed and are destroying further, and the 90 percent of the rest of the nation, rural as it might well be. By dialectic, I mean in this case a civil war between the cities and the rest of America. It's the end of my nation as I knew it. I'm leaving for the forest to live in an alternative house. I don't need a decaying hell-hole city to call my home.
What does the city of the Democrat dream offer?
"Last year, for the first time, the number of unmarried American adults outnumbered those who were married. One in 7 lives alone – about 31 million compared with 4 million in 1950 – and many of those are clustered in urban centers."
Lots of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Lots of drugs. Lots of abortion. Lots of suicide. Lots of nothing. The city has it all in abundance. Often, rural areas are worse, having attempted to be cities themselves. They fail in being cosmopolitan, but they succeed in the nihilism. Only when rural people remain true to the values of small towns do they succeed: family, home, work, privacy, community care.
San Francisco is the epitome of California Culture, the sophisticated culture all city boosters, such as the fool Kerion promote. San Francisco is the one hell-hole out of all failed American cities I would not live in. The city is a vast and evil failure, the very programme the Democrats in the cities seem determined to foist on the rest of the nation. I'm outta here.
Yesterday, in looking at the diseased city of San Francisco, the voters there elected as their District Attorney, the son of two American terrorists who murdered policemen. San Francisco is not hell enough for them, and they just voted to intensify the hell that it is.
Chesa Boudin will serve as San Francisco's next district attorney, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Saturday.
Boudin, the most progressive candidate on the ballot, won a tight race against interim district attorney Suzy Loftus.…/Chesa-Boudin-wins-San-Francisco-D-…
San Francisco, the worst city in America, just voted to make things worse by far. I'm leaving. I'm off to the hills. I am a bad person. The California Values promoters had better hope we never meet. I am very bad. But, the worse news for California Values supporters is that there are millions of others who are staying, and some of them are far worse than I ever was.

Part Three

Dems Gonna Hoyt

A man from Alabama recently popped a Democrat balloon. Now, as well as gaining thousands of donated dollars to help pay for his legal defence for vandalism, he is getting hate mail from people who seem to have no personal lives at all. In 2020, Dems gonna hoyt.
Hoyt Hutchinson, a man most people on earth have never heard about until recently, is now the focus of some peoples' lives to the point they want him to die. In fact, they seem to approve of him being murdered: for popping a balloon. But, of course, that's not what enrages the haters: they hate because they have minds empty of their own lives, Nothing-People who grasp for meaning in hatred of .... No, it matters not what that hatred is. It might well be a hatred of their own empty minds and barren lives. To generate a bit of feeling inside their emptiness, they find emotion, not their own, but emotion borrowed from the headlines of the media machine, to come into contact with the outside world. Meaningless lives grasping for meaning in headlines about others.

Part Four

Good intentions. Well, it hardly matters how good one's intentions are if the result of one's actions create harm.
Jack the Ripper probably had good intentions when he went on a murder spree in 19th Century London. Perhaps he meant well in eliminating prostitutes from a lively residential area. It's a hard but not impossible argument to make. Easier is the good intention of the boy who shot his friend who was planning a robbery of the local orphanage.
A moral crusade to stop alcohol consumption is a noble cause; but the harm from such as noble cause leaves wreckage across a nation. In the same way, Muslims killing aid workers vaccinating villagers against polio in Nigeria is a noble intention in that the Muslims hope to prevent the sterilization of Muslim men. Who are we to claim to know better?
We might be cultural imperialists who use our might to crush people with valid cultures of their own, mere bullies who sacrifice the weak to impose our values on them. Our noble efforts might be, in the long term, evil.
Moral acts might be flawed Noble Intentions. The question arises: Who are we to say this or that about any moral issue at all? Perhaps all moral issues are at heart merely relative. Perhaps we should rightly excuse every act according to the moral intention of its authors.
Yes, Hitler started World War Two, but he meant well. Yes, poisoning the well killed all the villagers, but it was for the good of the land they were destroying by overgrazing cattle there. And so on.

Part Five

The distinction between Left and Right back in the 18th Century, when the words took on their current meaning, was that the Left promulgated the principles of The Age of Reason. The Left were known as those who argued in favor of Rationality against "superstition" such as religion, witch-hunting, anti-Semitism, and so on. The Right, such as they were, included the clergy, the aristocracy, the hold-over feudal land owners, and the idiot peasants who sided with them in a state of what Marx and others called "false consciousness." Not no more. The Left mostly comprises the worst lunatics on the planet, screaming, hysterical, violent morons who are on the verge of apoplexy because, for example, Orange Man Bad. The Left is insane, all of it made up of deliberate childishness expressed by the richest people on earth in history. LIkely, the more money one gets from one's parents the stupider and crazier the leftist is. It's a mental disease of the affluent. Only they can afford to be fascists in this world, and they go at it with a fury. They do so because among the Left it's seen as really cool behavior. It's a social thing. It has nothing to do with actual living, only to do with showing off and outdoing one's friends.
Here's an account of Leftists in public:
I was in the Senate gallery this afternoon when Justice Brett
Kavanaugh was confirmed. You would have thought I was at an exorcism in an insane asylum.
Perhaps you were watching on television and heard the disruptions, though you certainly didn’t see them. The attenuated audio probably didn’t catch the frightening, incoherent shrieking – including the lingering screaming and howling as they were being dragged down the hallways outside the gallery.
If there was any doubt that the opposition to Kavanaugh was unhinged, uncivil, disruptive, rude, and borderline nuts, my experience in the gallery made it clear.
The first example came when Senator Cornyn rightfully railed against the mobs who spent the last three weeks assaulting and assailing Kavanaugh supporters.
“Mob rule is necessary,” one shrieking woman shouted before security personnel could settle her down.
At least she was honest. It did not appear that Capitol Police
removed her for her crime, unfortunately. That would soon change.
Another crazed woman later screamed, “I will not consent, I will not consent, I will not consent, I will not consent." She was like a feminist automaton: “I will not consent, I will not consent.” Capitol Police were less forgiving and dragged her out the doors and down the hallway.
I have visited hospitals for the seriously mentally ill, and the
shrieks from this woman were as odd and unearthly as anything I ever heard inside a mental hospital. They echoed off the halls and ceilings outside the gallery in decreasing but astonishing amplitude.
Then the roll was called, and it sounded like the gates of hell opened up.
Nearly a dozen women erupted in unison, shouting, howling, screaming, in an unrecognizable venomous wail. They wouldn’t stop. There was fury, rage, hate, poison in the noise.
It wasn't prose. It wasn't song. It was a swarming, shrill, swirling noise.
I leaned over to someone and whispered, “Pay attention, that’s what the Left sounds like.”

Part Six

Back home, from the early 50s to the early 70s most folks had car keys, but they seldom locked the car. Almost no one locked the front door to the house. It was a "high trust" society. Not no more.
When politicians can scream in public such things as "Impeach the motherfucker," we know things are objectively bad. Trust is just about gone from our societies. It's not coming back again.
Impeaching President Trump isn't about Trump: it's about winning a world-view one intends to impose on others. "Fundamentally transforming the nation." That's not my America. That isn't even my nightmare. It's some other people's madness. But, if it becomes the norm among too many, among those with political power to actually make at least parts of it come true, then those people who are not part of the trust community, i.e. the other half of the nation's population, are going to be angry.
Who is going to physically impose California Values on the majority of American soil? Outside of sprawling cities, who is going to walk down Main Street with a rifle demanding that small town folks use proper genders for transvestites?
America isn't just cities with lots of people: it's a lot of land with almost as many people combined as city populations. It's probably 90 per cent of American soil. If one is not from part of America the Traditional, who is trusted there?
Those from San Francisco would be well advised to stay inside the city limits. No one outside the city will trust them. Impeach Trump; then be careful what you wish for.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Leftist Brown Shorts

It's too easy to term out-of-control leftist kiddie idiots as Nazis. They aren't even Brown Shirts, Hitler's street-thug army. Today's P.C. sissies, Antifa losers come to mind, would shit themselves if they came up against serious street fighters. Thus, I now call leftist wannabe Brown Shirt tough guys "Brown Shorts."


I just came up with my latest block-buster term to slag leftards. This one came up after Facebook deleted an innocuous post on Myanmar. That was just after I saw a fellow's post on global warming that came with not one but two so-call rebuttals, posted by FaceBook, claiming that the man had posted fake news. Who do these people think they are? Who do they think we, the public are? Obviously, they have no idea, being too wrapped up in their own self-righteous idiocies to think about anything other than their own opinions.

FaceCensor really pissed me off by banning a link I tried to post. All this comes within days. FaceCensor is really upsetting me.

facebook-censorship.jpg (790×411)