Molly Norris, American girl, cartoonist, nice person, kind of timid even for a girl. Molly Norris is living in fear of Muslims, some of whom, according to the FBI, are hoping to murder her. The FBI thinks Muslims will kill her if they can, and they have gotten her to abandon her life as a Seattle resident and cartoonist at a local newspaper, getting her so scared that she's abandoned her life as it was, and she is now in permanent hiding-- permanent that is till we stop this madness and go on the offensive against such people who would kill this girl because she upset them, so they say. We're talking about a girl who drew cartoons for a tiny paper in Seattle, Washington, a girl now hounded and hunted by Muslims who want to murder her. America. In America a girl has to flee from Muslims. Men, what are you doing? Where is "Seattle's Million Man March in Support of Molly Norris"? Men, where are you? Men! Where are you?
Mark D. Fefer, "On the Advice of the FBI, Cartoonist Molly Norris Disappears From View," Seattle Weekly. 15 Sept. 2010
Her work won't be in Seattle Weekly any more, or anywhere else.
The gifted artist is alive and well, thankfully. But on the insistence of top security specialists at the FBI, she is, as they put it, "going ghost": moving, changing her name, and essentially wiping away her identity. She will no longer be publishing cartoons in our paper or in City Arts magazine, where she has been a regular contributor. She is, in effect, being put into a witness-protection program—except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab. It's all because of the appalling fatwa issued against her this summer, following her infamous "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" cartoon.
Hello Molly!
Well, Hello Molly!
It's so nice to have you back where you belong
You're looking swell, Molly,
We can tell, Molly,
You're still glowin', you're still crowin'
You're still goin' strong.
We feel the room swayin'
For the band's playin'
One of your old fav'rite songs from 'way back when
From me, Molly, if just for one night, I am a million men.
"Hello! Well, hello, Molly! You're looking swell, Molly."
My best wishes for you, and we'll have you back where you belong, Molly.
Dag Walker, Vancouver, Canada.