I look to see who has the girlfriend. Is it this group or that group? Who do girls find attractive? Do girls find tough guys on their way to prison attractive? Or do they find clean-cut and employed guys attractive? Gee, I don't know. Let's see if we can get a clue from this below.
"Police: 10 arrested in
Hanukkah attack on NYC subway train." The Associated Press; December 11, 2007
NEW YORK (AP) — New York City police say they are investigating an attack on a group of Hanukkah celebrants on a subway train as a hate crime.
Police say the Hanukkah celebrants were approached by another group who began hurling anti-Semitic remarks at them and assaulting them on a southbound Q train at Canal Street in Manhattan. Police responding to the attack at the Flatbush and DeKalb avenue station in Brooklyn arrested 10 people, ages 19 to 20. Each is charged with either assault and unlawful assembly or both. Police say the Hannukah celebrants had bruises and welts on their faces and heads, but were not taken to the hospital.
"Police investigating possible Hanukkah-related attack." NEW YORK; December 11, 2007
An attack on four subway riders during Hanukkah last week is being investigated as a possible hate crime, police and prosecutors said Tuesday.
Four people were approached Friday night by another group who began yelling anti-Semitic remarks at them and assaulting them on a southbound Q train at Canal Street in Manhattan, police said.
Police caught up with the train at the Flatbush and DeKalb avenues station in Brooklyn and
arrested eight men and
two women, ages 19 and 20. They were arraigned Saturday on third-degree assault and menacing, second-degree riot and harassment, and disorderly conduct, the Brooklyn district attorney's office said. The case was being handled by the office's civil rights bureau, and charges could be upgraded to a hate crime, prosecutors said Tuesday.
two men and two women who
were attacked had bruises and welts on their faces and heads, but were not hospitalized, police said.
One of the men charged, Joseph Jirovec, 19, pleaded guilty last year to attempted robbery as a hate crime and was awaiting sentencing, prosecutors said. Jirovec, who is white, was part of a group that yelled racial epithets and assaulted two black teenagers in the Gerritsen Beach section of Brooklyn, prosecutors said.
Jirovec's lawyer, Peter Mollo, said Tuesday it was very unlikely his client would attack another person because he or she was Jewish. "His mother was Jewish," he said. "It's very unlikely he would do something like this at all."
State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents Brooklyn, said he was disturbed by news of the incident.
"Where is this coming from when young people are involved in this kind of behavior?" he asked. "You would think we've learned from the past. Something rotten is going on."
[Original copy
When cops questioned Joseph Jirovec about his alleged role in an attack on four black youths in Brooklyn's mostly white Gerritsen Beach neighborhood last summer, he offered a highly unusual defense: membership in the Bloods gang.
According to court papers made public yesterday following his arraignment in the June 26 attack, Jirovec, 18, a metalworker, said his street name was "Bloody Fitted" and that he held the rank of two-star general in the violent street gang.
A gang admission normally wouldn't score points with cops, but Jirovec said yesterday it showed how baseless the charges of hate-crime robbery and assault were.
"Most of my friends are black and Spanish," said Jirovec, the son of a city firefighter now serving as an Army staff sergeant in Iraq.
The papers also noted that Jirovec was arrested wearing a black hat, red and black beads, a red T-shirt and red and black sneakers - signature Bloods colors.
Jirovec was arraigned with five others yesterday in Brooklyn Supreme Court, including William Dunphy, 23, who surrendered yesterday morning in response to a secret grand-jury indictment.
Daniel in Brooklyn has a copy of a news report on the first incident involving the Jirovecs:
The ten suspects, all of whom face misdemeanor assault charges, were released by a judge on their own recognizance, a spokesman for the Brooklyn District Attorney's office, Jonah Bruno, said. With the police department's hate crime task force and the district attorney's bureau of civil rights investigating the case, the charges could be increased to felony hate crimes.
One of the suspects, Joseph Jirovec, 19, has already pleaded guilty to attempted robbery in the third degree as a hate crime for his involvement in the gang beating and robbery of a black teenager in the Gerritsen Beach section of Brooklyn in June 2006, according to court records.
From: http://americanpatriotjournal.com/index.php/?p=2219
In America it seems to be the loser guys who can't find a date who go on violent rampages against anyone they can. Maybe it's better in sophisticated Europe where they don't have cowboy presidents and television watching moron populations like us. Hey! Let's find out:
Only in systemically racist America, you say? Esther in Europe has written recently on the surge of Muslims in Europe. She provides an interesting break-down of population figures. In response, here is a comment just in:
weepopstar has left a new comment on the post "
Muslim population in European cities":
I don't think it's that low in Marseille... You hardly see any non-Arabs/Muslims there... It's not very safe for a city known for it's high population of Jews... Jews who, when we walk the streets, must hide anything that displays our Jewishness... Like rabid animals they attack... and the government will not protect you... They started hiring more Muslim officers for the PC police - sort of like putting the Nazis back in charge of Germany... They protect their own...
There is nothing new under the Sun. It's like deja vu all over again. Who gets the girls? The hostile and violent guy? The Jew-hater? Let me think.... Oh yeah, I have it now: Just because you criticize Jews doesn't mean you hate Israel. Next: What kind of get-up should you wear to attract girls since there are eight guys and only two girls to go round? Who cares? Go to prison, and there you'll never be lonely and looking for a partner. Be a hater, find a lover for the next 25 years. What a deal.
An update:
Very few people in the anti-jihad business hate Muslims. I don't hide my hatred of Islam, but I have nothing in particular against Muslims. There will be some who claim it's a distinction without a difference. I can't account for everyone's mental abilities. Often, life is cruel.
This is an up-date, a bit of interesting background it would be wrong to leave out of this story now that I have it. It shows that a Muslim helped fight off a large gang beating a small group, half of whom were girls. Where I come from it wouldn't be remarkable that a guy would jump into a scrum and start wailing on the bad guys, and too hell with the consequences. The consequence of doing nothing would last a life time, would be a pain no one I know could endure. So, I think it's normal to fight back. I think it's normal that a Muslim would defend a small group of Jewish kids. It isn't, and that's why the media make such a big deal over this. It's a terrible thing that it's remarkable that a Muslim is feted over this. He's just a normal guy. Why don't we think of all Muslims as being normal? That this is so strange just makes me ill.
December 12, 2007 -- A Brooklyn man whose "Happy Hanukkah" greeting landed him in the hospital said he was saved from a gang of Jew-bashing goons aboard a packed Q train by a total stranger - a modest Muslim from Bangladesh.
Walter Adler was touched that Hassan Askari jumped to his aid while a group of thugs allegedly pummeled and taunted him and his three friends. So Adler has invited his new friend over to celebrate the Festival of Lights.
The two new pals - Adler, 23, with a broken nose and a fat lip, and Askari, 20, with two black eyes - broke bread together and laughed off the bruises the night after the fisticuffs.
"A random Muslim guy jumped in and helped a Jewish guy on Hanukkah - that's a miracle," said Adler, an honors student at Hunter College.
"He's basically a hero. Hassan jumped in to help us."
But Askari, who is studying to be an accountant, shrugged off the praise.
"I just did what I had to do," he recalled. "My parents raised me that way."
Ten people were arrested in the underground attack on Friday night - including two men who have been arrested for race crimes before.
None of the suspects had been charged with a hate crime in the Q train attack as of last night, but the Brooklyn DA's Civil Rights Bureau is handling the case.
From the
New York Post via Boker tov, Boulder!
http://bokertov.typepad.com/btb/2007/12/antisemitic-att.html To everybody on the Q train, to everyone on any line at all, Muslims and everyone else, I don't care who,
"Happy Hanukkah"
Final up-date:
This story of four Jewish kids on the Q Train has taken on mythic dimensions, now reaching across the void to the far shores of Islamic weirdness where the tale of a lone Muslim hero is the key feature, a good Muslim, an obedient son, a caring American resident, a kind friend, a hard-working but poorly paid student who can't afford medical insurance in the hatefully greedy and violently Christian city. If the syrup were any thicker on this account one might well choke. As is, the gang of 14 Christians and the lone Muslim is worth a laugh.
Saves Jewish group from Christian gang
US Muslim breaks up Christmas-Hanukkah fight
DUBAI (AlArabiya.net)
A Muslim boy is being touted as a "hero" after he saved a group of young Jewish subway-goers from a brutal beating by a gang of Christian thugs in New York, press reports said Wednesday.
Soon, the group of about 14 Christian men and women attacked the Jewish group, calling them "dirty Jews" and "Jew bit***s," the New York Post reported.
Amid the huge scrum, 20-year-old Bangladeshi Muslim student, Hassan Askari jumped in. He pushed one of the men away, and was then pounced on by the group.
"They grabbed me and punched and beat me up," Askari said. "I didn't get a chance to punch him back," the New York Daily News quoted him as saying.
Askari's interference allowed Adler to pull the emergency brake, which alerted police to trouble on the train, the paper said.
Askari, who was left with two black eyes and a sore nose, said he has no regrets: "I just did what I had to do…My parents raised me that way."
Askari, who is studying to be an accountant, said he hasn't gone to the doctor because he's too busy working two waiter jobs and doesn't have money for medical care, the Daily News said....
This post begins with the rhetorical question, "Who gets the girls?" Implicit in that is "What kind of girls?"
Photos from the suspects' Facebook and MySpace Web pages show the pals making a mockery of violence. In one picture, Joseph Jirovec - who is to start six months in jail in January for a 2006 hate crime - is pointing a weapon at the head of his friend Kimberly Babajko. In another, the 19-year-old Babajko is the one playing with the handgun, and in a third, she is shown provocatively posing in lingerie. In a fourth, she looks almost like someone else as she poses demurely in what looks like a floor-length prom dress. In many photos, the group flashes gang signs or their middle fingers.
[6] Hate-crime talk is 'ridiculous,' says one of accused Chanukah Q train attackers
Of course, not being one to judge others, all people being equal and deserving, I write no further comments.